Glasshouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum, as their name suggests, usually infest plants grown indoors and under glass such as tomato, cucumber, pepper and many ornamentals. Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus (TYLCV) TYLCV is not seed-borne, but is transmitted by whiteflies. Normally whiteflies become a problem when their natural predators, such as ladybugs, are not present in the area.

Glasshouse whitefly is a sap-sucking true bug that can reduces the vigour of plants and excretes a sticky, sugary substance, called honeydew, on the leaves, stems and fruits of its host plants. A. Whiteflies suck juices from leaves, causing wilting, leaf damage, brown leaves, and stunted growth. Water the tomatoes well and spray until until all their surfaces drip with the oil, making sure to coat the backs of the leaves.
The greenhouse environment is favorable for the reproduction of insect pests. ... including heat-loving flowers, tomatoes, eggplants, sweet potatoes, and peppers. Plant three to six basil plants around the base of tomatoes. One of these plant pests that love heat is whitefly. Grow strong-smelling plants, such as French marigolds, alongside your tomatoes as a deterent. This disease is extremely damaging to fruit yield in both tomato and pepper crops. Lethal to the whiteflies and eggs when wet, it's harmless to beneficial insects once dry. If you think you might have a whitefly infestation … Tomato is a “favorite food” of whitefly and this past growing season proved this fact. The whitefly is a virus carrier, in addition to damaging plants and tomatoes. White flies may only measure 1/16 inch long, but they can overwhelm and kill your prized tomato plant when present in great numbers. Their piercing bites can transmit viral disease, and a severe infestation can cause curling, yellow leaves and a loss of production of tomatoes. Whiteflies resemble tiny white moths when in flight. There are adhesive traps and phytosanitary treatments to get rid of the whitefly infestation. The garden pests whiteflies look just like their name. We will get acquainted with the signs of the appearance of this insect on tomatoes and the methodology of combating it, as well as how to avoid its appearance. The will look like a tiny whitefly or moth. Whiteflies feed on plants by sucking juices from the foliage.
While whitefly infestation of greenhouse-grown tomatoes is common, it is much less so on outdoor crops. Tomato is the most important vegetable crop in Florida, which leads all other states in fresh market production.