The majority of these common issues … Unlike older models, which used a dial-type temperature control with Whirlpool fridge settings 1-5 to regulate cooling, the Whirlpool … Show More. Whirlpool Refrigerator WRT311FZDW00 Troubleshooting and Repair Help We’ve put together a list of symptoms for Whirlpool Refrigerator model WRT311FZDW00 below. It is important to clean your refrigerator every now and then. I have a Whirlpool refrigerator and the 'Cooling Off' red light in on. Whirlpool Gold refrigerators offer numerous features such as temperature control, water and ice dispensing and settings for lights. Ask Your Own Appliance Question. Common Whirlpool refrigerator problems include the refrigerator not running, the lights not working, temperature issues and the appliance making excessive noise. The top three symptoms for … Show Less. When it’s time to properly clean, follow these cleaning tips for Whirlpool Condenser Coils. How do I reset this and the get the ice maker to work? …