If the dishwasher soap dispenser door latch has a problem, then your dishes won’t come out clean. 2013-08-27 18:37:06 2013-08-27 18:37:06. Wiki User . Share it! Joined May 29, 2014 Messages 2 Location North Carolina. Dishwasher Detergent Cup Did Not Open. Bosch SMU7056 UC/14 dishwasher, soap dispenser doesn't always open during the wash cycle. The Most Common Reason Your Dishwasher Soap Dispenser Isn’t Opening. If I manually open the dispenser a couple of times after putting in the soap, before starting the wash cycle, … read more There are 3 types of detergent cups that have been used on our dishwashers, depending on age and model. When the timer cycle calls for the soap to be emptied into the dishwasher, it either sends electricity to a bi-metal switch that opens it, or it mechanically opens the soap dish. The soap dispenser door does not open, leaving a solid block of soap after wash/rinse cycle is complete. Open the dishwasher door and pull the dispenser module from the door panel. Bosch SHU3302 soap dispenser does not open. Note the soap dispenser on the top of the open door. The bi-metal actuator is a metal loop which acts as a latch for the dispenser door. Below is how to repair it yourself. If you have any of these issues it can be fixed by replacing the dishwasher detergent dispenser. The dispenser door needs to open completely for the soap tablet to drop into the hot water. The door has broken off of the detergent dispenser. If the bi-metal i... s burned out, it won’t release the dispenser door.
Remove the dispenser bracket. July 26th, 2010. Mystery solved! … Tall items like cookie sheets and cutting boards placed in the lower rack can block the dispenser door. That special little compartment that pops open to release the dish detergent when the dishwasher deems the load ‘ready’ to be washed with soapy water. Make sure water action can fully reach the dispenser. Report This by mothra4522. Step 4 Read the manual to see if your dishwasher releases detergent via a bi-metal release, which depends on electrical current to release the catch on the detergent dispenser. However, if the dispenser is not properly closed or if it does not open during the dishwasher cycle, you’ve got a real problem. At what cycle does the soap dispenser open in a dishwasher? To determine if the bi-metal has burned out, use a multimeter to test it for continuity. Common solutions for: Jenn Air Dishwasher dispenser not dispensing soap .

In addition, make sure that the dishwasher is getting enough water. Door does not appear to be spring loaded - is this proper or is something missing?