ficus repens (botanical/scientific). Large houseplants like the weeping fig make a bold statement in the home, but are toxic to cats and dogs. The trees are notable for their glossy green, ovoid foliage that taper to a point.
It’s ideal for growing in a well-lit room or conservatory. I'd recommend the fiddle-leaf fig, F. lyrata, vs. the benjamina (the one you see most often). A tranquil garden getaway amid the hustle and bustle of Westwood. The creeping fig is a climbing evergreen plant that's a common ground and wall covering in warmer parts of the country and a houseplant in cooler areas. It is also commonly known as the weeping fig. They are often used as either a ground cover or, more commonly, as a wall and fence cover. Ingesting leaves or flowers may cause vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, cramps or respiratory and kidney problems in your cat… We love this houseplant. 54 Type: Evergreen shrub or tree. Nikita is a dwarf weeping fig that only grows a few feet tall and has bold white variegation on its lovely foliage. 54 In the U.S.: Typically a houseplant. -- Ficus pumila, [syn.] Exotic Angel® Plants. Really, we're talking about a minor dermatitis reaction v. what you might get from the Lily or Aroid family (calcium oxalate crystals). Julia Wilson is a cat expert with over 20 years of experience writing about a wide range of cat topics, with a special interest in cat health, welfare and preventative care.Julia lives in Sydney with her family, four cats and two dogs. Ficus benjamina is the most common fig species, and is part of the Moraceae family. ft. single-family home is a 3 bed, 2.0 bath property. An owner in Pennsylvania lost her cat to kidney failure from ingesting only a small portion of an Easter lily. She enjoys photography, gardening … ficus repens (botanical/scientific). There's ample disagreement out there about just how toxic the fig family is. This home was built in 2008 and last sold on 8/14/2008 for $219,596. If you live in USDA plant hardiness zone 8 or higher, creeping fig plants can be grown outside year round. FEJKA Artificial potted plant, Weeping fig. 53 Toxic parts: Sap from all parts. The weeping fig is poisonous for pets, too—especially parakeets and cats. Perfect when you have better things to do than water plants and tidy up dead leaves.
Azalea is frequently used as a landscape plant. Lifestyle. * AZALEAS, indigenous to many eastern and western states and commonly used in landscaping, contain substances that can produce vomiting, drooling, diarrhea, weakness, and central nervous system depression. The plant contains aminopropionitrile, a toxin that is lethal to cats and dogs. Creeping Fig Vine in the Garden. Lifestyle. 54 Looks like: 54 Weeping fig poisoning is a common and serious disorder in dogs with access to the plant. #31: Weeping Fig Fig Tree—This is also called a weeping fig or an Indian rubber plant.
Scientific Name: Ficus benjamina. Worst problem you're likely to have is the cats using the pot for a litter pan, in my experience. I've had cats & ficus for years, and nobody's died yet. Flamingo Flower.
When ingested, it leads to clinical signs such as weakness, pacing, and inactivity. It’s ideal for growing in a well-lit room or conservatory. If eaten in large quantities, the weeping fig can be highly poisonous to cats often causing stomach problems. Lifestyle.
Ficus benjamina 'Nina' Nina is a dwarf variety of weeping fig that only grows 2-3 feet tall and has thin golden edges around its leaves. If your cat eats large portions, she can suffer from seizures and tremors which can lead to death.