Beds & Borders (408) Conservatory (4) Containers (468) Greenhouse, Glass House or Home (10) Hanging Baskets (143) Indoor (7) Patio (52) Raised Bed (6) Rockeries (34) Windowsill (1) Colour Reset. The key to planting a beautiful shade garden is finding attractive shrubs that thrive in shade in your hardiness zone. The best heucheras for the shade are the varieties with lighter-colored leaves. These are the shrubs that are at eye level in the border. It is a perfect spiller plant for the outside edges of containers or hanging baskets, where the light-green foliage can brighten shady areas.

Amber-, gold-, lime- and silver-foliage varieties show up well in the shade and they are easily managed. When grouped with smaller container plants or layered with other shrubs, they provide the backbone needed to make more from less. Read on for information about zone 5 shade shrubs. Fortunately there are shrubs that are suited to the British climate and can provide year round evergreen colour and interest whether you are looking for plants for shaded pots and containers, climbers for north facing walls, under trees or larger shrubs, for deep shade or partial shade. The biggest advantage being they can also keep flourishing at a shady spot! Although north- or east-facing gardens can be cool and shady for much of the year, they can present some creative opportunities with well-chosen shade-tolerant shrubs. Read about 44 Shrubs for Shade and sum up more colors in your garden and containers with bright flowers and beautiful foliage even in shade!. They are held above dark green violet-like foliage by short stems. Evergreen shrubs grow in several forms, including round, mounding, pyramidal or upright. The mid-story is the ideal place for plants that provide all-season interest. They are held above dark green violet-like foliage by short stems. Ericaceous compost is needed, of course, along with some shade. Cut back the geranium after flowering to encourage more blooms. Shrubs are one of the alternatives of your favorites trees, having many uses in landscaping and can make an excellent focal point in your garden.

Choose a 12- to-16-inch pot, depending on the size of the plant. It needs to be grown in acid soil or in containers of ericaceous compost (ideally mixed with equal parts lime-free John Innes compost). Fragrant Shrubs. It has nodding little bell shaped blooms that are delicate and mystical. Amount of Shade: Full Shade. H4. A stunning and eye catching hydrangea! Placing outdoor plants in pots allows you to create more space for your shrubs. Container plants are the ultimate in modular style, infinitely adaptable depending on changing seasons and preferences. You want a container one size larger than what it resided in at the nursery. Not all container plants need to be flowering plants. Remember that quantity does not always equal quality, and having more plants does not always equate to a better look.