[Mel Bartholomew] -- Particularly suited for beginners, or those with poor soil, Mel Bartholomew's guide to effective gardening explains how to get huge yields from a small space. The most commonly used method is to build a one metre square raised garden bed.

I wondered why the whole concept of square metre gardening resonated with me and then when reading the first chapter found that Mel is a fellow engineer. All is now clear. The minimum height for beds is 20cm, but if you plan to grow root crops such as carrots and potatoes, make them 30-40cm high. Looking forward to eating my first produce. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. [citation needed] Bartholomew, a retired engineer, devised a raised 4 by 4 feet (1.2 m × 1.2 m) square beds with a grid.Each of these 4 by 4 square beds was then divided into sixteen one-foot squares, the grid. Building. It became very popular because of the PBS (Public Broadcasting Station) television series. Square Foot Gardening was created in 1975 by Mel Bartholomew with his first book being published in 1981 called “Square Foot Gardening”. A plethora of pre-made kit set square metre garden beds are available in garden … Welcome to the blog of Mel Bartholomew, the founder of the Square Foot Gardening method for growing food in your backyard.

It's a simple way to create easy-to-manage gardens with raised beds that need a minimum of time spent maintaining them. Mel's system is the easiest, most efficient gardening method that has ever been invented! Square Foot Gardening (commonly referred to as SFG) is a planting method that was developed by American author and TV presenter Mel Bartholomew in the 1970s. Buy Square Metre Gardening by Mel Bartholomew (ISBN: 9780711234529) from Amazon's Book Store.
My first 3 square metres were made form scavenged wood but I actually had to buy some to make my fourth. His first revision was published in 2007 called the “All New Square Foot Gardening” Square metre gardening. Get this from a library! SFG rapidly gained popularity during the 1980s through Mel's first book and television series and since … The phrase "square foot gardening" was popularized by Mel Bartholomew in a 1981 Rodale Press book and subsequent PBS television series.