Height: 6 – 10 feet Width: varies (each cane has 2-3″ diameter) Bloom color: Red Flowering season: Summer USDA minimum zone: 9 Cold hardiness: 23° F Trichocereus peruvianus (Peruvian Torch Cactus) The Peruvian Torch Cactus is a close relative of San Pedro Cactus, Trichocereus pachanoi It is a columnar cactus found almost exclusively in Peru at altitudes of around 2,000 meters. These cacti are slender, erect, with grey-green columns. Its numerous erect columns appear whitish in colour because of their numerous dense spines. Origin: Arizona, northwestern Mexico. Other articles where Silver torch cactus is discussed: torch cactus: …silver, or woolly, torch (Cleistocactus strausii) is endemic to the mountains of Argentina and Bolivia. Silver Torch Cactus (Cleistocactus strausii) Description. Sale Price $7.20 $ 7.20 $ 8.00 Original Price $8.00 (10% off) ... Bundles of Old Man Live Silver Torch Cactus, Cleistocactus Strausii, Snow Pile Cactus,Nice Rooted Plants 2-3" Long Pot #4 FREE SHIPPING HappyhenfarmUS. The plants bear narrow red flowers along the length of the stems. wide (8 cm), densely covered with short white spines. You guessed it: green. The most popular color? When this multiple columnar cactus reaches 1m (3 feet) tall it will produce many red/burgundy tubular flowers that also attracts humming birds. It is a heat-loving cactus. Your Torch Cactus needs as much sunlight as it can possibly get through the early spring and into late Fall.
This cactus likes strong sunlight, but not high temperatures — in fact it can withstand hard frosts down to -10°C.
The decorative flowers are deep red or burgundy and protrude from the sides of the columnar stems and along the tips. The silver torch begins to flower when the columns reach about eighteen inches tall. Each columnar stem features 25 narrow ribs with about 30 longer, white spines and 4 thicker pale yellow spines. This tall and sturdy, all-weather cactus is a metal art signature piece and the perfect addition to add to your garden, patio or backyard. Grows in the high mountains. The silver colored spines offer an interesting color change in the landscape. The red torch cactus resembles our native hedge-hog cactus. How to Grow Silver Torch Cactus. Cleistocactus strausii has a green stem that looks silvery grey because of the short, whitish spines that completely cover it. Sizes available: 5 gal. Make the beauty of the Sonoran desert part of your outdoor décor with this true-to-life Desert Steel Saguaro Cactus Tiki Torch. The columns are formed from around 25 ribs and are densely covered with areoles, supporting four yellow-brown spines.
Little water.