What Really Is A Mixtape? Shadow Hills Mono Gama in API 500 Series Format. The preamplifier input is transformer balanced and utilizes an original Jensen input transformer. It's only rackable in one of these casings. This no-compromise design exudes hugeness, fidelity, punchiness and depth, across the full frequency range, without becoming veiled or choked. Pre-Production; The Myth of the Cheap High Quality Studio; 5 Aspects of a Successful Song; Selling Out; Recent Comments. This mic pre looks like a cross between an Orwellian toaster oven and a crappy NASA experiment. MICROPHONE LEVEL COMrR01. jose on Pro Tools Download; Haseeb on Mono or Stereo; What is a DAW ? About a month ago I had the pleasure of using a set of these at a studio I often work at - he just recently got them in. | A Comprehensive Introduction | Soundontime on What is … theDAWstudio-May 12, 2016. What Is The Big Deal about 500 Series Modules? The Mono is the single channel API 500 series version of the GAMA (Golden Age Microphone Amp), with all the capabilities, features, and quality of the original. The Shadow Hills Mono Gama is centered around our custom discrete op-amp. SHADOW HILLS MONO GOLDEN AGE MICROPHONE AMP The is an overview of its and a guide for use, Mono Golden Age Microphone Amp UNDERSTANDING YOUR SHADOW MONO by engi at I SOO GAMA the k This for —ifying microph within the s.gnals tan into by our p ogy. This no-compromise design exudes hugeness, fidelity, punchiness and depth, across the full frequency range, without becoming veiled or choked. The Mono GAMA is a 500 series unit, and (unless something changed in the last year) it doesn't have room for the "iron" option. At of Hills design of and and of I gain required to the of the Tuming this gain level, CHANNEL CONTROLS … Sep 11, 2013 - Shadow Hills Mono GAMA Mic Pre - Vintage King Audio Tag: Shadow Hills Mono Gama. shadow hills industries ocuws HILLS INDUSTRIES SHADOW WAD GOLDEN AGE O shadow hills industries SUADOV HILLS MONO CAMA THE EQUINOX . Recent Posts.
Title: Shadow Hills 2018.indd Created Date: …
These will only work within a 500 series casing as they won't be able to stand on their own. The knobs and switches all feel very solid and have a classy brushed black coat of paint. The 3 flavors on the Mono are Nickel (a custom transformer like from the famous Sunset Sound console), Steel (a classic API transformer sound), and Discrete (transformerless / cleaner). The Shadow Hills Industries Mono GAMA Mic Pre is a 500 series module for your recording studio.