to reverberate with the sound. 1 decade ago. a n v d [Please select] 0. Source(s): reverberate sentence: Wiki User 2015-10-20 22:28:17. Once more I shout and the cliffs reverberate the sound. Login to reply the answers Post; Anonymous . Related Questions. reverberate in a sentence - 6. synonyms. How do you use reverberate in a sentence? Examples of reverberate in a sentence: 1. 2. reverberate: Information from reverberate in a sentence - Use "reverberate" in a sentence 1. To reverberate is to echo. Their rattling calls reverberate along waterways throughout the breeding season, and their flashing wings are apparent year-round. What are synonyms for reverberate? If the country continues to stockpile nuclear weapons, it will create fear that could reverberate and start a war. Reverberate: In a Sentence WORDS IN A SENTENCE Examples of reverberate in a sentence The drunk driver had no idea his foolish decision would reverberate and destroy the lives of five families. reverberate / examples. RE: How do you use reverberate in a sentence? Reverberate used in a sentence? Even after their deaths, the words of the Beats reverberate. How do you calculate … reverberate definition: To reverberate is defined as to continue to sound, such as in a series of echoes. This Site Might Help You. Synonyms for reverberate at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. What is the meaning of reverberate? (verb) An example of to reverberate is when you hear the same sound continuing to echo. How to use reverberate in a sentence. He left his house, slamming the door so hard the hallway seemed. 2. 2.

The reverberate list of example sentences with reverberate. Did You Know?

definitions. Sentence example with the word 'reverberate' reverberate acknowledge, be sent back, come back, echo back, go back, rebound, reoccur, respond, return answer, roll, send back Last update: July 29, 2017. What is the definition of reverberate? why did the simple word reverberate upon Gertrude's ears?. a n v d [Please select] 0.

The hall reverberate d from the noise of the visitors. reverberate definition: To reverberate is defined as to continue to sound, such as in a series of echoes. Sentence example: The woods reverberate with many kinds of birds . Source(s): The drunk driver had no idea his foolish decision would reverberate and destroy the lives of five families. 2. Login to reply the answers Post; Jocelyn. Sentence with the word reverberate. Reverberate In A Sentence.

Learn more. Reverberate definition is - reflect. The drunk driver had no idea his foolish decision would reverberate and destroy the lives of five families. antonyms.
reverberate definition: 1. If a loud, deep sound reverberates, it continues to be heard around an area, so that the area…. Echoes of Masterman's burning rhetoric began to reverberate in his mind. The public momentum for change is beginning to reverberate in Congress. The halls of Valhalla will reverberate through eternity with the news of my victory! (verb) An example of to reverberate is when you hear the same sound continuing to echo. Words can cut and cleave a person in a way nothing else can - having a hateful word reverberate in your head for weeks can eat at the essence of your worth.. Tschminsk! | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Sentence example with the word 'reverberate' reverberate acknowledge, be sent back, come back, echo back, go back, rebound, reoccur, respond, return answer, roll, send back Last update: July 29, 2017. The hall reverberate d from the noise of the visitors.

My old stereo has a control knob marked "reverberate". 0 0 0. Reverberate definition: When a loud sound reverberates through a place, it echoes through it. 0 0 0. Lists.

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5 years ago. Derivation: reverberance (having the character of a loud deep sound; the quality of being resonant) reverberant (having a tendency to reverberate or be repeatedly reflected) reverberation (the repetition of a sound resulting from reflection of the sound waves) reverberative (characterized by resonance) Sense 2.