The fuchsia-colored flowers stand out against the dark green foliage of this herbaceous plant. Columbine ( Aquilegia ) Montauk daisies ( Nipponanthemum nipponicum ) Larkspur ( Delphinium ) Hardy mums ( Chrysanthemum ) Peonies ( Paeonia lactiflora ) Salvia. The flowers once mature are used in dried flower arranging. 'John Coutts'. Herbaceous Flowers, Container-friendly, Rounded - Clump. Clusters of rich red flowers with a strong cerise hint appear in late summer over its mid green, very divided foliage. It is a culinary and pot herb as well as an apothecary's medicinal.
Cornflower, Centaurea. Aptly named bloody dock for its distinctive red veins, this herbaceous plant originates in the Mediterranean. Plant taxonomy places red hot poker plants in the genus, Kniphofia.

Of course the main things to plant first are the Trees (if you want some), then the tall Woody Perennials such as Roses, Rhododendrons and Hydrangeas, and then the smaller Herbaceous Perennials. Herbaceous sweet pea, Lathyrus. Centaurea hypoleuca. While some information below applies in a general sense to the genus, the focus is on three dwarf types whose cultivar names are 'Pineapple Popsicle,' 'Mango Popsicle,' and 'Redhot Popsicle.' Red flowers (Summer late), Red foliage. Herbaceous Perennials are the ones that are easiest to deal … They go by other common plant names as well, including "tritoma" and "torch lily." Red flowers (Summer early, scented), Medium Green foliage.
Lathyrus vernus. 'Pomegranate' retains its colour well even as the flowers start to go over. Herbaceous Plants That Are Perennials. Herbaceous Flowers, Rounded - …

Genus Rumex falls into the Polygonaceae.