1. Do not eat or drink foods that do not belong to you. Every week - every week - Network For Good's two fridges get a thorough purging.

Assume if something in the fridge isn’t labeled, it is OK for you to consume. The first rule of office fridge use at many work places seems to be you don’t talk about office fridge use, but you should. Related: Office Etiquette: Do You Know The Basics? 2. Post a sign near the refrigerator for a reminder about the hygiene rules in the kitchen. So do not use the cell phone for the personal call unless it is very urgent. You now have two work refrigerator etiquette choices: Eat nothing at all (or go out and buy a sandwich) and avoid being the next fridge thief in the eyes of your colleagues and higher-ups.
Luckily, Igloo’s compact fridge — measuring 1.6’ by 1.7’ — fits comfortably under most desks, just out of sight from the prying eyes of hungry coworkers. Here are some quick Do’s and Don’ts for optimum office kitchen etiquette: DO… Keep your use of space in the fridge to a minimum to respect other people’s needs. Once you’ve created the office kitchen and fridge etiquette, share it with your staff so that everybody is aware of these rules.
Nov 19, 2017 - Promote Office Manners with Office Courtesy Signs. This puts shelf space at a premium. Office Refrigerator Etiquette. The primary guideline for office kitchen etiquette is to be respectful of the space and your co-worker’s food and drink. When it comes to office etiquette, the fridge is often overlooked, and, as a result, conflict can arise. Here are some tips from etiquette experts on how to make the office kitchen a clean and friendly place. Dec 12, 2013 - Make sure you live in office fridge harmony with these tips on how to deal with fridge space sharing...and over sharing. Here are ways to improve office kitchen etiquette to make your workplace more appetizing. Read the Office fridge etiquette discussion from the Chowhound Entertaining food community. Not all, but definitely a sizable chunk of the population.

Avoid leaving food in the fridge for too long, if something goes bad that’s yours, clean it up yourself.

10 Tips for Tailgating in Cold Weather. Also, do not touch others food kept in the office refrigerator in the kitchen, it can be both very annoying and rude to others.

These days, properly handling the refrigerator is nearly as essential to office culture as treating colleagues with respect and knowing when to speak up during team meetings. Play by the rules if you use the office refrigerator Share this: Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) ... say etiquette experts.


The office fridge – an infinite supply of your colleague’s favourite foods and, despite its cooling powers, an appliance with the ability to make your blood boil. by Claire Valenty on July 19, 2010. in Business & Office Etiquette. Posted on August 12, 2007 by Sandy Hyde. Visit us for long-lasting collection of Kitchen Courtesy Signs too. Take the last of any supply without seeing if you can re-stock it from a supply cabinet.