Definition of enough said in the Idioms Dictionary. “Your new computer is super expensive!” “Yeah, but it rocks! ’Nuff Said! The Ultimate Companion to Fox News. NUFF SAID Lyrics: Russell / Real shit, real / I be on a brand new wave right now, yeah I got me another / They just got so much to say right now, ain't nothing to a god motherfucker / I ain't sayin As in: what I have previously said should adequately demonstrate my point.

Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Hollywood as an industry is totally out of ideas. Look at the huge amount of remakes and reboots coming out each year—nuff said. 'nuff said. ‘The pen is mightier than the sword. We dominated the other team. The phrase can also be used between peers to acknowledge understanding of a pre-emptive statement or question that would justify a lack of further explanation. Nuff said’ ‘she has some amazing talent, 'nuff said’ "Nuff" is a colloquial shortening of "enough." Nina Simone.

Released: 1968: Recorded: Live at Westbury Music Fair on April 7, 1968 tracks 1, 8 & 11: RCA Studios New York City May 13, 1968: Genre: Jazz, blues, folk, pop: Length: 33: 37: Label: RCA Victor: Producer: Joe René for Stroud Productions: Nina Simone chronology; Silk & Soul (1967) ’Nuff Said! We dominated the other team. Tyrus sits down with unique newsmakers to discuss life, success, and what makes them tick. 'nuff: [other] "enough".

Cancel Anytime. short for "enough", but often "enough" is used to mean "lots of". Test your vocab skills and see if you can ace this practice test full of teacher-selected 9th grade terms. Try It 7 Days Free. The Nuff Said Amsterdam site requires cookies to be accepted. This is the British English definition of nuff said.View American English definition of nuff said.. Change your default dictionary to American English. Short form of enough said. 'nuff said: [interjection] "enough said." Login to reply the answers Post; Anonymous.

That would mean Extortion 17 two lost BUD/s class 236 DEVGRU. Watch Preview. nuff said 1. slang A phrase used to underscore or conclude one's argument about someone or something. Definition and synonyms of nuff said from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.. Nuff said definition: used to indicate that the preceding statement is sufficient | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples See more. 'nuff: [other] "enough". Nuff said definition: used to indicate that the preceding statement is sufficient | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples enough said phrase. “Your new computer is super expensive!” “Yeah, but it rocks!

Enough said - Idioms by The Free Dictionary ... the variant nuff said, which the OED editors traced back as far as 1840 in a U.S. newspaper. It means "enough said" as in you should probably stop talking about it. E17 both 23six Nuff said .

(informal) Used in various situations to either end a discussion, or to imply that further discussion is not needed. What does enough said expression mean? The conversation about this topic is over. Live album by . By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies as described in our terms . 'nuff said. ‘And Jennifer Connely, well she was in labyrinth… nuff said really.’ ‘But nuff said, for Wednesday offered the prospect of 36 hours in Wellington, my favourite city in these isolated climes.’ ‘Yeah, they did do a female Brig… nuff said on that.’ ‘Skye has the smoothest, loveliest voice ever. (informal) Used in various situations to either end a discussion, or to imply that further discussion is not needed. 0 5 0. 1 decade ago.

A phrase used to describe a current situation wherein enough information has been imparted before the fact in order to justify a lack of further explanation. Nuff definition, enough.