FREE Delivery. Product Description: 70-75 days. Produces tasty sweet and succulent fruits. Pack size: 6 Seeds; Qty £ 2.80 FREE Shipping.
Mountain Magic Tomato Seeds. Mountain Magic is a “Blight Resistant” F1 Hybrid. The pinnacle of flavor and eating quality, these picture-perfect fruit are brilliant red with a juicy, smooth interior with low acid and high sugars. MOUNTAIN MAGIC. This scrumptious campari tomato withstands the big three threats besetting tomatoes: late blight, early blight and fruit cracking. 67. (60-90 cm) Sun Exposure: Full Sun. FREE Delivery. Our fully indexed database includes thousands of tomato varieties with names, images, and information. £15.99 £ 15. Tomato Search Mountain Magic, F1 Hybrid Favorite 0. photo courtesy of Johnny’s Selected Seeds. 80. Tomato Search Find Your Perfect Tomato. Tomato Search Find Your Perfect Tomato. Tomato, Mountain Magic Short Description. Packed in FROZEN SEED CAPSULES for Growing Seeds Now or Saving Seeds for Years. Only 5 left in stock - order soon. 50 Campari Tomato Seeds ,Sweet Juicy, High Sugar Level, Low Acidity! 10 seeds; Out of Stock; Tired of cracking, diseased and flavorless tomatoes?
Our fully indexed database includes thousands of tomato varieties with names, images, and information. fruits on indeterminate plants. The most disease-resistant tomato we've ever seen. It’s a real winner! $9.99 $ 9. Produces tasty sweet and succulent fruits. Email when available. Mountain Magic Tomato Seeds (Solanum lycopersicum) 5+ Rare Seeds + Free Bonus 6 Variety Seed Pack - a $29.95 Value! Tomato Mountain Magic. Tomato Mountain Magic F1. Pack size: 6 Seeds; Qty £ 2.80
Raflesa 25 Premium Sweet Campari Tomato Seeds, Hand Picked from Organic Plants - C 077. Very trustworthy to both early and late blight along with cracking, verticillium and fusarium wilt. The uniform, crack-resistant fruits may be truss harvested. High resistance to Fusarium wilt races 1, 2, and 3, late blight, and Verticillium wilt; and intermediate resistance to early blight. Posted on November 10, 2017 by pelicanplants. Best disease resistant variety available. Usually … Tomato Mountain Magic is stated as a true breakthrough when it comes to disease resistance!! New Organic Sweet Succulent Campari Tomato 25+ Seeds -D 55. A true breakthrough when it comes to disease-resistance. Home Unknown Type Mountain Magic Tomato Seed. Tomato Search Mountain Magic, F1 Hybrid Favorite 0. photo courtesy of Johnny’s Selected Seeds. 99.
Also available organic.
A breakthrough in tomato breeding when it comes to disease resistance. Count on a crop of sweet, great tasting, 56-85g (2-3oz) globe shaped fruits with a sweet flavour.