Studies Work and Labour, Russian Studies, and Eastern European Studies. Its ideological standing diminished, the circulation of the Labour Leader declined and finally a significant minority of rank and file members broke away. Tags. a (required) Submit. Mike Haynes (required) (required) Website. Williams Haynes (1886–1970), American journalist and historian of the American chemistry industry Distribution [ edit ] As a surname, Haynes is the 249th most common surname in … It is a system driven by profit. Search for: Archives. Search. The Jobbing Leftie Historian and Researcher Analysing capitalism from unexpected angles. The global price of food has risen again to a new high, breaking the records set in 2008. Mike Haynes argues that the problem isn't a lack of produce or a rising population. Mike Haynes; Violence and Revolution in 1917.

Lenin Leon Trotsky The historian Eric Hobsbawm describes October as a ‘freak result of war’.

Mike Haynes, University of Wolverhampton, Business/ Economics/ Radical Political Economy Department, Faculty Member. This is a contact page with some basic contact information and a contact form. Mike Haynes looks at the UK's record on receiving migrants and its relationship to that of the European Union. Throughout history millions have been killed by typhoid, cholera, diphtheria and even simple diarrhoea. But this view depends on two other arguments. In Britain this matters, especially if you are on a low income or benefits. Mike Haynes: The British working class in revolt - 1910-1914 (Winter 1984) ... During these years, says its historian, the Party ‘appeared irrelevant and tired’. The revolutionary violence of 1917 paled in comparison to that on the fronts of the Great War. Mike Haynes: Was There a Parliamentary Alternative in Russia in 1917?

He is the co-editor of History and Revolution Refuting Revisionism (Verso 2017) 07.17.2017. Mike Haynes is an historian who works in the UK. For another penitential ex-Communist it was ‘a mistake of truly historic proportions’. Menu Skip to content. Contact.