Native Bees The Michigan Pollinator Initiative addresses current and future issues related to bees, other pollinators, and pollination in Michigan. Go local Michigan’s native plants are unique and beautiful, but many are rare or threatened with extirpation. By one estimate, 25 percent of Michigan's plants will be extinct by 2050, as the result of loss of habitat due to development and invasion by aggressive non-native plants… First, these plants are better adapted to soils, moisture and weather than exotic plants …
You likely won’t see a benefit from your native … Go to the native plants fact sheets. (Photo courtesy of Wayne Oliver) Plants native to your … Learn more about native plants from the USDA plant database. If you have a drainage area, stormwater runoff, or would like to install a rain garden, the species listed below are adapted to wet, moist conditions and deep roots will filtrate water in the soil.
Keep Michigan unique by planting a Michigan … Another benefit of native plants is that they have deep root structures, which help prevent erosion of soil in your yard. University of Michigan Herbarium may have useful information on plants. Most of our perennials are available in plugs and … Another drawback is the initial time it takes for the flowers to establish. Department of Natural Resources - Learn about Michigan's diverse range of fish, plants, trees, reptiles, amphibians, insects and mammals.
The Native Plant Nursery grows a wide diversity of Michigan native perennial plants, wildflowers and grasses, available individually or in bulk quantity. There are many benefits in growing native plants. One drawback is that native plants tend to cost more than other varieties. Why Landscape with Native Plants?
Wayne Oliver, owner of River Bend Gardens in Washtenaw County, has a home garden in Farmington Hills full of native Michigan plants.
Browsers that can not handle javascript will not be able to access … by adding native flowering plants or better yet—select “host plants” that each species of butterfly and moth requires to reproduce. The mission of the Michigan Pollinator Initiative is to develop … Tips on successful native plantings. It can form dense … See how Native Americans used native plants. Introduction. the plant in clusters or spikelets with long silky hairs.
Go to the sales pages to see available species on May … Although the giant reed may be in part native to Michigan, in recent years the plant has become invasive and aggressive. Search for native plants that suit your needs and/or growing requirements. Michigan's Rare Plants This list presents the Endangered (E), Threatened (T), and Probably Extirpated (X) plant species of Michigan, which are protected under the Endangered Species Act of the State of Michigan (Part 365 of PA 451, 1994 Michigan … 2020 Downloadable Price List does not reflect current inventory and plant prices are different because of bundling (Plugs are sold in groups of three) .