Share on Facebook Follow on Facebook Add to Google+ Connect on Linked in Subscribe by Email Print This Post. Learn learn learn. Location: n/a Closing Date: n/a Infomation: We have opportunities in our production team at Local TV for work experience placements, providing the opportunity to shadow our teams across the network and to be part of Local TV. We host two week placements every month throughout the year, subject to availability. That’s because we run week long placements three times a year for 14-17 year olds, and it could be the first step in the career you’ve been dreaming about. This Technology work experience in TV Operations will provide you with an opportunity to rotate around our four key areas: Broadcast Delivery Planning – This team organise and co-ordinate live and non-live content feeds that come into Sky Studios. Work Experience. By Editor on July 3, 2020 Comments Off on EO partners with entrepreneurs, reality TV stars for work experience program. Work Experience. I'm 15 years old and would really love to work in television/radio. Hulu Live TV has one of the widest channel selections of any of these services. Local TV Ltd is the leading City TV Network with channels in eight key regions across the UK: Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, Leeds, Liverpool, North Wales, Teesside and Tyne & Wear. I've written off to BBC Southwest but if this falls through then i'm stuffed. Read the tutorials on this website and find other educational resources. Candidates must be over 18 and placements are subject to an interview. I've tried my local radio station but they don't even run a work experience scheme. Hulu Live TV. This service includes many of the local and national channels you pay a whole lot more from with cable and offers HD streaming to any device, including the Amazon Fire TV Stick. If you think you’d like to work in Television and Media but don’t know where to start, we know just the place: right here. Getting experience when you have none can be streamlined into the following three-part plan: 1. Local TV offer work experience placements in our production teams, providing the opportunity to shadow the team in your area and to be part of local TV. Much depends on where you live and the main page requests your zip code to tell you exactly what you can expect. Create stuff that means something to you but which can also appeal to an audience and, therefore, potential employers. Make the best use of your spare time to create content that is fun and rewarding. If you can't find paid work immediately, see if there are any volunteer TV stations near you - you can get invaluable experience which will … We have to get work experience in September but finding it is harder than i thought. Buy or borrow your own camera and practice, practice, practice.