leftover cabbage CLcooks So I went a bit over board cooking cabbage for this weekend, and now have about a head of boiled cabbage left over (cut into quarters). If you’re having tacos, try making a slaw with freshly squeezed lime juice instead. How to shred red cabbage . Tip: Try pork cabbage for more results. 4 bone-in rib pork chops, 8 ounces each; 1 large onion, finely chopped; ½ medium cabbage or one small cabbage (4 cups total, cored and chopped)

Ingredients: 7 (great! 5 Ways to Use Up That Leftover Cabbage @tspbasil #healthykitchenhacks Click To Tweet.

Bring to a boil, then simmer 15-10 mins with lid on. There are so many more ways you can eat red cabbage, so here are some suggested recipes for you to try. Roasted cabbage wedges replace the traditional iceberg lettuce in this Roasted Cabbage Wedge Salad (via our guest post for Linsday @ The Lean Green Bean.)

In all it was a feast fit for a king. Ready to serve. Red Cabbage from Allrecipes by Arita Droog

Position the flat side of the cabbage vedge against the chopping board and finely slice the cabbage with a sharp knife. Or at least a feast fit for my family. If you aim for more uniform result use a food processor. Leftover Soup Blend braised cabbage until smooth.

Store any leftovers up to 1 week in the fridge. 2) Roast Your Cole Slaw As with all veggies, roasting make cabbage sweet and caramelized. Ready to serve.

1) Make a Wedge Salad Serena’s invention and my favorite way to enjoy leftover cabbage!

Ingredients . Even after using it three different ways, I still had leftover red cabbage! Add rice; stir-fry for a few minutes.

Results 1 - 10 of 11 for leftover pork cabbage. Quarter the cabbage and remove the core so you are left with nice compact cabbage quarters.

and a salad. Easy peasy!!

How to reheat braised red cabbage.

Place the pork, soy sauce and 1 ... liquid has evaporated.Add rice; stir-fry for a few minutes. Braised Pork & Cabbage. 1 2 Next.

Roasted cabbage wedges replace the traditional iceberg lettuce in this Roasted Cabbage Wedge Salad (via our guest post for Linsday @ The Lean Green Bean.) Add kimchi and warm through. .. oil .. sauce ...) 2. KIMCHI FRIED RICE WITH PORK.

Let the cabbage cool a bit then transfer to a plate and use the remaining liquid as a dressing.

2 tablespoons olive oil (or chicken fat, lard, etc.)

To reheat this spiced red cabbage on Christmas Day is a doddle: just place the cabbage in a saucepan and add about 100 ml water.

Serena’s invention and my favorite way to enjoy leftover cabbage! Discard all hard and tacky outer leaves. 1.

Curried celeriac, red cabbage, pear and walnut coleslaw; Beetroot and red cabbage soup; Freezable Riesling-briased red cabbage Braised red cabbage, merguez sausages and lentils; How to use up leftover red cabbage. To keep the cabbage moist at all time add some vegetable stock if necessary.

Heat the duck fat in a pot and sear the cabbage for couple minutes. Easy Cabbage Slaw // Cabbage slaw makes a great topping for barbecue tofu or tempeh sandwiches; I toss about a cup of shredded cabbage with a tablespoon each of apple cider vinegar and olive oil, a pinch of sugar, and salt and pepper to taste.

Toss finely sliced red cabbage in equal parts red wine vinegar and caster sugar with a good pinch of salt. I tried it in a smoothie (which didn’t alter the taste at all, but totally boosted the nutritional benefits!)

Place the pork, soy sauce and 1 ... liquid has evaporated.

Add kimchi and warm through. Quick pickle. Deglaze with the remaining liquid and slowly simmer for 1 hour. Roasted up your cabbage slaw (throw in some shredded carrots, too) and use …

Home > Recipes > leftover pork cabbage. Mix cabbage w/ 1-2 cups of vegetable broth, extra seasonings into a medium pot. To achieve a more intense taste leave the braised cabbage for a day in the fridge and re-heat when needed. INDONESIAN PORK. I braised some cabbage in our favorite way with apples and onions and I made some mashed potatoes. !

Adapted from Martha Stewart.com Prep time: 20 mins Total time: 1 hour Serves 4. Heat gently with a lid on until the cabbage is hot (about 5 minutes) and serve!