Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one. Die Sprache ist syntaktisch nicht zu Java kompatibel, aber so gestaltet, dass sie mit Java-Code interoperieren kann. I think you don’t even need that if you call it from kotlin.
Long l1 = null; Long l2 = 128L; assertThatCode(() -> Objects.equals(l1, l2)).doesNotThrowAnyException(); As we can see, we don't need to bother if any of the Longs we want to compare is null. Kotlin is a new programming language, which handles some modern features. kotlin-stdlib / kotlin / Long / equals. Under the hood, Objects.equals() first uses the == operator for the comparison, and if that fails it uses a standard equals… Example 1: Check if String is Empty or Null The java.lang.Long.equals () is a built-in function in java that compares this object to the specified object. Long l1 = null; Long l2 = 128L; assertThatCode(() -> Objects.equals(l1, l2)).doesNotThrowAnyException(); As we can see, we don't need to bother if any of the Long s we want to compare is null. In Kotlin, throw returns a value of type Nothing. 1.3. fun equals (other: Any?

In this case, Nothing is used to declare that the expression failed to compute a value.Nothing is the type that inherits from all user-defined and built-in types in Kotlin.. Native. The long story short is for most developers Lombok bring as many advantages as headaches, so it becomes that library you start loving but after a while, you can’t wait to get rid of but you never do because is everywhere. 1.3. fun equals (other: Long): Boolean. Syntax. It is required to handle null and smart cast. Kotlin Program to Check if a String is Empty or Null In this program, you'll learn to check if a string is empty or null using if-else statement and functions in Kotlin. ): Boolean. Da Kotlin vollständig interoperabel mit Java ist, können alle diese Tools ohne Weiteres für Tests von Kotlin-Code verwendet werden. Kotlin Data Class equals() and hashCode() The hashCode() method returns hash code for the object. Kotlin/Java strings are immutable, which means that all modification operations create new string instead of modifying a string in-place. If two objects are equal, hashCode() produces the same integer result. The result is true if and only if the argument is not null and is a Long object that contains the same long value as this object. Native. Under the hood, Objects.equals() first uses the == operator for the comparison, and if that fails it uses a standard equals… Given that Kotlin Data Classes don’t require to manually write getter/setter methods, the main need for Lombok is gone. Kotlin Program to Check if a String is Empty or Null. equals . It contains plenty of methods for various string operations. Kotlin string example. In the first example, we have a simple Kotlin … Außerdem nutzt sie bestehenden Code der Java Class Library (JCL), z. Moreover, It also derives the implementation of standard methods like equals(), hashCode() and toString() from the properties declared in the data class’s primary constructor. There are different data types in Kotlin – Integer Data type Floating-point Data Type Boolean Data Type Character Data Type Integer Data Type: These data types contain the contain integer values. doggo1.equals(doggo2) The equals method calls a generated method: equals_impl(long, Object).Since equals expects an object, the doggo2 value will be boxed, but doggo1 will be used as a primitive: