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AU $899.00. ... Commercial 9 Speed Immersion Hand Blender KHBC418CA Commercial 9 Speed Immersion Hand Blender KHBC418CA. Add in our dishwasher-safe parts, solid stainless steel stand mixer tools, and you have everything you need to power your passion.
add to cart. The KitchenAid Commercial Countertop Blender has a powerful 2.5 HP motor that blends a margarita in just 22 seconds! sale. KitchenAid Commercial kitchen equipment is NSF certified. COMMERCIAL BLENDERS THE ULTIMATE POWER COUPLE. Coulis" setting utilizes a unique program that can achieve smooth, fluid gels KitchenAid ® Commercial KSBC1B0 Beverage Blender. 5KHBC418CAOB. SEE MODELS. KitchenAid commercial products work as hard as you do.