With limited daylight hours as we approach the shortest day of the year, this month’s crisp wintery weather can be strikingly beautiful and bitterly cold in equal measure. Garden Jobs In December – The holidays are a busy time of the year for all gardeners, but for those who love to garden, there is still plenty to do in December. Jobs to do in the garden in December – Planting, sowing and choosing a Christmas tree Jennifer Ebert November 30, 2018 12:24 pm. What to do during December in your garden and greenhouse. With winter in full-swing, there are plenty of jobs to do in the garden … Jobs to do in the garden in December December isn't all spadework – there are vines to prune, roots to take in, and icy ponds to crack Dan Pearson.

Feed. December garden jobs. Hopefully there are not too many jobs left to do this year so you will have time for some fireside garden planning. As we approach the shortest day of the year in December you will need work to keep you warm outside, such as digging and tree pruning. We earn a commission for products purchased through some links in this article.

Keep bird feeders topped up and make water available. Gardening jobs for December. It’s time to start harvesting vegetables from plants sowed in September and October. December is one of the coldest and darkest months of the year, so you’re forgiven for being reluctant to go out in the garden. It’s a chance to catch up on gardening jobs you haven’t had time for during the summer. Harvest the fall vegetable crop. As the year draws to its close, and the days are at their shortest, limit gardening work to protecting tender plants and aiding wildlife in your garden. Plants Flower seeds to sow in December Plants Vegetable seeds to sow in December Plants Jobs on the allotment in December Plants Wildlife gardening jobs for December Your monthly gardening checklists. Flowers. Sat 28 Nov 2009 19.05 EST. Check your winter protection and if you have a greenhouse make sure the heater is working. Find out how to create a luscious wildlife garden. Water December can be a quiet month in the garden, but there are more things to take care of than you might think.