Earl Campbell compares current NFL to professional wrestling: ‘It was real football when Jack Tatum and I hit each other’ Posted February 3rd, 2017 Chris Bils Hookem.com Staff SixPackSpeak.com - The ONLY place on the Web for free, open discussion of all things MSU, SEC, and whatever else in the wide wor Campbell ramming head-first through the Rams' Isiah Robertson in 1978 6. Earl Campbell fears the grip of an ordinary guy’s hand. Tatum, a safety who embodied the Oakland Raiders mystique and was called "The Assassin" for his brutal hits, died of a heart attack at 61. “Well, football is not played like it was when I played,” Campbell told USA Today. 6 – Earl Campbell Headbutts Jack Lambert Into Next Week! The final game of the football season, Passaic's annual Thanksgiving matchup with rival Clifton High School, was regarded as "Jack Tatum Day" and the school honored him with a ceremony at halftime where his … Houston's Earl Campbell bouncing Tatum into the end zone while simultaneously being knocked senseless himself (but not senseless enough to not stumble backward across the goal line) 5. In 1979, on the goal line against the Oakland Raiders, he drove off-tackle. EC: I think one game we played the Oakland Raiders and Jack Tatum and I had an accident on the one-yard line. Former Raiders defensive back Jack Tatum may have died Tuesday at the age of 61, but he leaves behind a highlight reel of hits and a strategic intimidating style that will last forever.
He was 61. 3. Houston's Earl Campbell bouncing Tatum into the end zone while simultaneously being knocked senseless himself (but not senseless enough to not stumble backward across the goal line) 5.
Steve Atwater, “The Smilin’ Assassin” was the hardest hitting safety ever. Stingley waiting on him. Any hit by Oakland's Jack Tatum, 1971-79 4. Updated by page admins, read by Earl. Earl will see your posts or comments, so feel free to post or upload fan tributes to his wall. Huge Earl Campbell running full speed, turning the corner 1 yard away from the endzone, head down, shoulders parallel to the ground ready to bulldoze anyone in his way. Jack Tatum, the storied Oakland Raiders safety best known for landing the hit that paralyzed New England receiver Darryl Stingley, has died. “It was real football when Jack Tatum and I hit each other on the 2-yard line and I backed into the end zone. “He don’t take no prisoners,” former UT coach Darrell Royal once said of his star runner’s style of all-out attack. SixPackSpeak.com. Any hit by Oakland's Jack Tatum, 1971-79 4. Jack Tatum, the storied Oakland ... “One of his greatest hits I ever saw was him hitting Earl Campbell at the goal line,” Lott said, about the Oilers running back. His hits were clean, even if they jarred loose the fillings in a WR’s teeth. ... snapped both the tibia and fibula of Theismann’s leg and is remembered by fans of the game as one of the most painful hits in football history. Tatum was honored by Passaic High School during their 2008 season. Drafted out of Arkansas in the first round of the 1989 NFL draft.