Salman Rushdie ‘I grew up kissing books and bread.’ I grew up kissing books and bread. Skip to main content. Salman Rushdi Is Nothing Sacred Salman Rushdie, addresses the issue of literature and its vital role in the success of mankind. I've heard of Rushdie before this class, because of his controversial writing conflict with Iran.
He uses many different reasons to persuade the reader that the art of literature, mediates between the material and spiritual worlds; thus, … Salman Rushdie is defending literature as both sacred and necessary, which I completely agree with.
Nothing Sacred: Salman Rushdie: 9780140140248: Books -
And events in history must always be subject to questioning, deconstruction, In this lecture, he examines the importance of language and literature in our materialistic and rational culture. (Herbert Read Memorial Lecture Feb 6 1990) is an essay on the spirit and the sacred by Salman Rushdie. Is Nothing Sacred? “nothing is sacred in and of itself...Ideas, texts, even people can be made sacred... the act of making sacred is in truth an event in history. Is Nothing Sacred? In our house, whenever anyone dropped a book or let fall a chapatti or a ‘slice’, which was our word for a triangle of buttered leavened bread, the fallen object was required not only to be picked up but also kissed, by way of apology for the act of clumsy disrespect. Try Prime Hello, Sign in Account & Lists Sign in Account & Lists Orders Try Prime Cart. It is the product of the many and complex pressures of the time in which the act occurs. Salman Rushdie's Is Nothing Sacred? Rushdie is an atheist, coming from a Muslim society, where there is a bounty on his head for his writing of The Satanic Verses.