Baking something delicious does not have to involve leaving food in the oven for hours.
If you are baking something small, set the oven temperature higher.
It can be done at home or in a commercial establishment. Cooking is different than baking because baking is using super detailed measurements, or else something won't turn out.
Plus the end product is always delicious! Cooking is a general word referring to the use of heat to prepare food. Despite how extravagant, intricate, and beautiful baked goods can be, I have always liked the phrase “Cooking is art, baking is science”. Descriptions Sautéing is an example of cooking.
Plus, with baking, you can be creative with your end product with decorating and stuff.
Just make sure you leave it in the oven for less time. Although I am great at baking, I can't seem to master cooking. Cooking is a lot more flexible, it's not as "by the book" A pinch of this or that and blending herbs for your own creation! all good answers here. Relying on bilingual dictionaries to apprehend meaning causes many problems. The size of the tin affects the cooking time and how thick or thin the sponge turns out. What I can add is that baking is prone to a LOT of variables that most cooking is not.
lol Cooking always makes me a mess because there's so much to worry about! Always use the freshest ingredients you can find for your cooking. Bake, roast and toast are more specific words. Cooking is a method of preparing food by using heat and manipulating the chemical properties of the ingredients. For example, if an oven doesn't heat completely evenly, one side of an item will rise faster than the other, and either be overdone or look weird.