As WFSB 3’s Better Connecticut, Better Living contributor, I had the opportunity to share a few tips on winter indoor plant care and simple decorating ideas with co-host Scot Haney. Whether you’re brand new to indoor gardening or have been growing your plants indoors for years, our site exists to provide you with all the steps required to make your garden flourish.

By. Aug 25, 2019. Indoor gardening can be a bit more complex than outside gardening but you can watch them grow to big, beautiful plants with great lighting, feeding and watering. As in the case of Merrifield, most gardening centers' products are outdoors on sprawling properties, so social distancing is possible. Indoor Gardening Tips.

When the weather prevents you from going outside to enjoy some gardening, it's just as beneficial and effective to do some indoor gardening instead. Indoor gardening typically does best with potting soil, which is available at most stores. May 18, 2020. ... Make sure you have the right kind of soil for both your plants and your indoor conditions.

facebook; tweet; google+ . A lot of people stick a fake tree in a corner, dust the leaves off every week, and call it indoor gardening, but indoor gardening has grown into much more than that lately. Indoor Gardening Tips and Tricks.

; If the tag says moderate light, the plant needs bright, direct sunshine only part of the time—about four hours a day. From grow lights, to soil tips, to indoor gardening kits, there’s always more … By admin On November 2, 2018 December 3, 2018 In Indoor Gardening . Reply Dennis on July 28th, 2016 at 1:13 pm # Decoding those perplexing tag instructions on light. Indoor Gardening Tips For When You Don't Have The Outdoor Space. Grow dwarf varieties. If the tag says direct light, the plant needs six or more hours of bright sunshine a day, hitting it head-on. In this way, you can indulge in some gardening all year round, while still keeping warm and dry. Explore this cool video about the best Indoor Gardening Tips. ; If the tag says indirect light, the plant needs to be kept a few feet away from pounding sun at all times.