Water pressure is also good. About 5 years old. Get shopping advice from experts, friends and the community! The water dispenser in the door has good water flow, but the ice maker is not getting water at all. Please help!! If your icemaker is getting water and making ice, but there is no water at your dispenser, there are a few things you can check. As a result, the ice maker won’t make ice. When the ice maker makes small, cloudy, or clumped ice, it could be something as simple as a dirty water filter, low water pressure, or high mineral deposits in your water.
If the issue is ice, make sure the ice maker is turned on and the ice storage bin is properly in place. First, ensure that ice is not jammed in the ejector arm of the ice maker. To properly experience our LG.com website, you will need to use an alternate browser or upgrade to a newer version of internet Explorer (IE10 or greater). MAKE SURE THAT YOUR ICE MAKER IS GETTING WATER. When ice is not ejecting. One of the most common causes for portable ice makers not making ice is it’s not getting any water. At the bottom of the water reservoir, you are going to notice a small hole. The reservoir tank or tubing has not filled yet. If it is, defrosting the freeze plug may fix your problem. MAKE SURE IT ISN’T PLUGGED. The water dispenser is working fine and i have tried the test button in the ice maker unit and it all works ok except for the ice tray which is not being filled with water. Please can you advise what I should do as this does not seem like a mechanical fault? Water Inlet Valve. Remove jammed ice from the ejector arm using only a plastic utensil so the ice maker is not damaged. New Installation. Here's how to fix some common ice maker problems.
If the ice maker appears to not be making any or enough ice, low water pressure or a faulty water filter may be to blame. The recommended fresh food temperature is 37 degrees F; the freezer temperature is 0 degrees F. Press the dispenser for several minutes to purge air from the line and make sure all the tubing is filled with water. I've replaced the water valve where the inlet line sends water to the ice maker and the dispenser and still no luck.
Contractor's Assistant: When did you last replace your GE ice maker's water filter?How old is the ice maker? Also make sure ice is not jammed in the ejector arm of the ice maker and the ice dispenser chute is not clogged. The water dispenser is working fine and i have tried the test button in the ice maker unit and it all works ok except for the ice tray which is not being filled with water. Water comes out of … (Also note that your home’s water pressure may not be strong enough to serve an ice maker.) If it is even slightly up, the ice maker will not cycle. I can hear the ice maker trying to cycle. The ice maker mold is completely empty. Ice Maker Does Not Make Ice If the water’s route is blocked or the solenoid doesn’t work—or if the bail wire is lifted—the ice maker won’t make ice.