Hydrops can be divided into two major categories or types: immune hydrops (also called erythroblastosis fetalis) and non-immune hydrops.

hydrops (hy-drops) n. an abnormal accumulation of fluid in body tissues or cavities.corneal h. the sudden painful accumulation of fluid in the cornea seen in keratoconus. 3 Ätiologie Während früher die häufigste Ursache für einen Hydrops fetalis die Rhesus-Inkompatibilität war (klassifiziert als immunologisch bedingt), sind es heute vorwiegend Infekte und Fehlbildungen (klassifiziert als nicht-immunologisch bedingt) … Doctors help you with trusted information about Edema in Dropsy: Dr. Singh on hydrops fetalis pictures: The overall prognosis for hydrops fetalis is quite high. Hydrops Fetalis It is defined as generalized fetal edema or anasarca , which can be detected by an Antenatal USG. It results in a sudden reduction of vision. Hydrops Fetalis is a devastating condition where fluid pools around the organs of the baby, most regularly causing severe lung and heart development delays, often causing heart failure. It may be manifestation of a variety of underlying disorders. Der Hydrops fetalis tritt bei Geburten mit einer Häufigkeit von etwa 1:1.500 bis 1:4.000 auf. Pregnancy with Hydrops Fetalis and Cystic Hygroma: A Case Study Hydrops feotalis is a well-recognised foetal and neonatal condition, with high incidence in developing countries while a cystic hygroma (orcystic lymphangioma) is a congenital multiloculated lymphatic lesion that can arise anywhere though usually found in the left posterior …

About half of unborn babies

Immune hydrops (erythroblastosis fetalis) This occurs when the mother’s immune system attacks the blood cells of the baby. Immune hydrops fetalis is no longer very common due to advances in the prevention of hemolytic disease of the newborn. There are three main causes for this type: heart or lung problems, severe anemia ( thalassemia ), and … Cochlear hydrops is a condition of the inner ear.Some medical experts believe it may be a form of Meniere's disease, or perhaps an early stage of the disease, that will eventually develop to encompass all the symptoms of the true condition. Our daughter was also diagnosed with Nonimmune hydrops fetalis occurs when a disease or medical condition disrupts the body's ability to manage fluid. Non-immune hydrops fetalis occurs in approximately one of every 1,000 births. See also hydrops fetalis, Ménière's disease (endolymphatic hydrops).