When using sand paper to remove paint, move up and down with the grain of the wood. In this article, you will learn 5 methods on how to carefully remove paint from wood and finish them off with paint or varnish. Whether you got paint on your floor when you were doing a painting project or if you are trying clean up someone else’s old mess, the task is difficult and there is a ton of different (often times useless) information out … Slowly, little by little, the paint will start coming off. What is the best way to remove paint … After an hour, I removed the handle from the pot (using a pair of tongs), and rinsed it under hot water. Learn how to apply chemical strippers to remove paint, from DIYNetwork.com. Learn how to apply chemical strippers to remove paint, from DIYNetwork.com. There were uneven spots and some areas where the paint from the previous coat wasn’t adhering well peeled up. In the past, scraping lead paint required hiring a licensed—and costly—abatement contractor to remove and dispose of the lead-laced paint. Strike plates? The preferred method for removing paint from wood is by using a chemical stripper. Old cloth or rag; Instructions. I recommend testing the paint to be sure it is safe to strip off with this method before you start and only doing something like this in a well ventilated area. You don’t have to call in expensive consultants to work safely around lead paint. Don’t use any old heat gun to strip off old paint. Heavy sand papers take the paint off, whereas a lighter grade sand paper creates a smooth surface that’s ideal for re-painting. Soda blasting is a great way to remove paint from large areas of concrete. The ideal way to start over is to strip furniture of the old stuff and begin with a baby-smooth, bare wood surface. You could set your home on fire. Removing paint from hardware is another simple task and does not require the expensive paint removal products found in stores. How to Remove Paint from Wooden Objects and Refinish Them. Given the number of coats on the Winchester house, Clark had no doubt about the presence of the heavy metal. Some people use heat guns to remove paint in areas where there are many layers. Removing paint, as we all know, is very hard. Follow these commonsense steps to keep your home lead-safe and worry-free. Continue to do this, dousing the area with rubbing alcohol every now and then, to assist the process along. The pressure of the water removed most of the still-clinging paint, and I was able to rub the rest off with my fingers. Soda blasting is also an environmentally friendly way to remove paint from concrete, and causes no damage to the underlying concrete. Whether it cracks and blisters or just forms a lumpy blanket of pigments and binders, it begs to come off. The preferred method for removing paint from wood is by using a chemical stripper. Stripping paint from any house built before 1978 raises the question of lead. Eventually, however, all new paint becomes old paint. Start by spraying the paint stain with the rubbing alcohol. Or perhaps the painters before you did and now the paint has been dried on there for 10, 15, even 20 years? Instead of replacing the hardware so it looks clean, how about cleaning off the old paint instead? Method 2 to Remove Paint from Concrete with Soda Blasting. I put many labor intensive hours into painting on top of another coat of paint that was not in the best shape. So, now that you know you need to remove the old paint, you’ll need to decide how. Hinges? How To Easily Remove Dry Paint From Unwanted Places - Forgot to remove the hardware during a recent paint job and slobbered a bit of latex paint on the door knobs?