Right-click any song. Create a playlist. Tip: Liking a song doesn’t automatically add the song’s album or artist to Your Library, but will make its album/artist more likely to appear in Recommended under Artists and Albums in Your Library.
You can also drag and drop tracks into a playlist. A guide to your personal Spotify collection. Click Add to Playlist. About a third of Spotify playlists are actually entire albums. To add an artist, you need to select FOLLOW at the top of their artist profile.. To add an album you need to select next to the album title.. How to Add an Album to an iPhone Spotify Playlist. Add songs. Listen on Spotify: In the next year, you will be able to find this playlist with the next title: Best Rap Songs 2021 - Rap Playlist 2021 I really don't want to add one song at a time to this playlist. I have noticed this problem since Spotify updated on my mobile to v0.5.0.1247 (I don't know what version I had prior to this).
The steps in this article were performed on an iPhone 7 Plus in iOS 10.3.3. This guide will assume that you already have a playlist created to which you would like to add the full album. On Spotify, you can’t bookmark an artist on the left sidebar and view all his albums at one go in the main pane, like you can with iTunes. ; Select a playlist. Click New Playlist in the menu on the left. ... Downloading works for nearly anything on Spotify—not just playlists, but also albums, podcasts, and individual songs. ; Give your playlist a name and click CREATE. Hi, Since a recent Spotify update, I seem to have lost the ability to add a whole album to an existing playlist. Why would you need to do this? ; Tip: Customize with a cover image and description. 04.09.2019 08:00 AM. I have a playlist in which I add all albums released in 2019 that I want to check out. If you don’t have a playlist yet, then this article will show you how to make one. ... and choose to add to a playlist from there. It’s painless to create a playlist dedicated to just one album.
Now the option seems to be completely gone. Until last week I was able to add a complete album to this playlist.