Provides clients covered by Homewood Health assistance programs with secure access to information, and a number of valuable online tools and services. As part of the Power Sector Benefit Trust you have access to the Member & Family Assistance Program delivered on our behalf by Homewood Health.. Members and their families have immediate access to a wide range of confidential counselling services offered 24/7 over the telephone. Registered service providers log in here. Homewood Health Centre, Ravensview, & The Residence continue to admit to all inpatient programs while employing stringent safety, screening, & cleaning procedures that meet or exceed all public health guidelines and regulations to ensure the safety of all at our inpatient facilities. Registered service providers log in here. A: Homewood Health does not reimburse Service Providers for EFAP (Counselling, Life Smart, Formal Referral, On-Call) sessions submitted 30 days beyond the appointment date. 223 talking about this. Service Provider Portal. Homewood Health is Canada’s largest and leading service provider for medically focused, evidence-based treatment of mental health and addiction disorders. View the weekly update for Homewood and the coronavirus. Other Logins. Login Portal. Registered service providers log in here. Login Portal. Our Customer Care Unit is a team of specialists with extensive knowledge of claims processing and benefit plan language to ensure a seamless customer service interaction. Itacit/Gateway. Itacit/Gateway. Weekly Update 05.15.20.pdf COVID-19 Dashboards Frederick COVID-19 Dashboard 5.15.20.pdf Posted on May 15, 2020 Homewood Health 510 5 St SW Calgary AB T2P 3S2. Homewood Health. Homewood offers this counselling in three modalities – telephone, online and in person – while providing approaches and content that address a full range of mental health issues including but not limited to family and relationship issues, trauma, depression, anger management, life … Registered service providers log in here.

Homewood Health is a proud lead partner of the Wellness Together Canada program, which offers free counselling and mental health support for all those in Canada. The community was our first to offer independent living cottages and apartments and includes a …

Registered service providers log in here. Registered service providers log in here. We have a brand new online experience ready for you at online and get the help you need when and how you need it. Customer Service & Care. Menu & Reservations Make Reservations .