Citation from "New Car", Up All Night (TV), Season 1 Episode 4 (2011) censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site. Citation from "Rosetta", Alphas (TV), Season 1 Episode Episode 4 (2011) blacked out to resolve Google's penalty against this site . This thread is archived.
Posted by. hell yeah: [interjection] a phrase indicating agreement or support. 11 comments. Literal translation: "C'mon big goat!" Person A: You ready to go dancing? 99% Upvoted.

Used by the older generation to understand what those young whipper snappers are talking about, and used by young people to say how they really feel. Both yea and yeah meant “yes” or an affirmation of something. Don’t we sometimes cheer “YES” and simultaneously do a fist pump?

1 / 34. An action which someone does to another person for their personal belongings. - Definition by Urban Dictionary. Photo: Getty How to use 'woke' and other popular Millennial slang terms. Person B: Hell yeah ! create your own Hell yeah meme using our quick meme generator 24. Discussion of Jack Move:"Dude have you heard Fifty-Fifty? The "hero" is the final image to be used that has been agreed upon by the art director, photographer and client or whichever single person has the big dick for the day. 87.
"¡Dale cabron!" save hide report. share. Cowboys!” etc. Tap to play or pause GIF Via u/bdzsoni. What it actually means: "Hell yeah!" See more words with the same meaning: yes, agreements (statements of) . Looked in a 1970 edition of dictionary and there is no word “yay” listed. Possibly the only dictionary you still use today and probably the most popular dictionary for sure. interjection "all right". Last edited on Oct 25 2011. Urban Dictionary: Jack Move. A hero is sometimes used to describe the final product of a photo shoot or any creative project. Archived. Also spelled alrighty. To steal something from someone without their consent. The infamous Urban Dictionary. Hell yeah. ""That new kick-ass record from Jackmove? Hell yeah. New … Watch Queue Queue. As for using both of them as a celebratory remark, it makes sense. See more words with the same meaning: yes, agreements (statements of). Watch Queue Queue This video is unavailable. Reply Example: “Hell yeah, today is the second anniversary of Joel’s first off-the-lip. It’s a total broccasion—let’s party. 7 months ago. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Oct 25 2011. Close.