Observe and name a variety of light sources, explore materials which allow light through and those that will not. Heavy and light worksheets help kids to understand weight concept at an early stage. Provide definitions of heavy and light in student home language (L1). 6 Year 1 | Spring Term | Week 10 to 11 –Measurement: Weight & Volume How many cubes does the teddy bear weigh? There are a lot of printable colorful worksheets to teach kids under preschool, kindergarten and grade 1. Then, they are asked which of the objects is heavier or lighter. Improve your skills with free problems in 'Light and heavy' and thousands of other practice lessons. They have to weigh the objects and note the measurements. Investigate shadows, explore what may be seen in the dark and use data loggers to help find the best material to make Teddy some sunglasses. Provide the sentence frame, "The scale at the doctors is the same as this scale because ____ and different because ____." Heavy or Light is a weight measurement game for young students to help them learn about measuring and comparing weights. Intermediate. Fun maths practice! Explain how you know. The teddy bear weighs 5 cubes.

In this game, students are given few objects and a balance to weigh them.

I can take 1 cube off of each side of the scale and it will still balance. Some of these worksheets are free of cost. Have students turn and talk to share experiences with scales. because 1 brick weighs the same as 4 cubes so the apple and the peach weigh the same. Year 1:Light.