This gluten-free favorite is low in carbs and high in healthy fats and fiber. Walnut flour also contains healthy fats, fiber to help slow down the break down of other carbohydrates eaten with a meal and it’s got a great nut-buttery taste. Here are the 14 best gluten-free flours. Among grains, wheat flour is unique because it has the potential to produce gluten, a protein that imparts strength and elasticity to dough and influences the texture of baked goods. Almond Flour. It's good for making feathery light pastries, pies, and cookies. Let’s look at the type of flours on the basis of grain – 1. Whole wheat flour contains protein, fiber, and B vitamins, as well as trace minerals like iron and magnesium. You can make pancakes, breads, muffins, cakes, you name it! Take your baking game to the next level with these flour substitutes and flour alternatives like almond flour, coconut flour, and buckwheat flour. To replace wheat flour with almond flour, start by replacing the flours 1:1 and then add more of a rising agent (like baking powder or baking soda) to accommodate the heavier weight of the almond flour. When is white flour not the best flour option for baking? Rather, you can enjoy it where it does the job best while also taking the time to get to know different flours in recipes where they can shine! This means that the bran and the germ—and therefore all the important nutrients—are still intact.

Whole Wheat Flour. The oils in the walnuts give it added flavor.

Just as you might guess, whole wheat flour is white flour before it’s been processed. Healthy flour options do exist, and with a little experimentation, you can even make your own healthy, delicious baked goods and other foods usually made with white flour.

Types of Flour Based on Grain. The flours can be differentiated based on the type of grain used to make it. Walnut flour can be used for all low-carbohydrate baking needs and it can be swapped out for other grains in your diet. A variety of healthy, gluten-free alternatives to regular or wheat flour exist for those who avoid gluten. White flour is the best choice for certain types of baked goods and breads, and it’s not necessary to eliminate it. Deliciously Healthy Flour Options. The gluten content of flour depends on whether the flour is made from hard or soft wheat; hard wheats are higher in protein than soft wheats, and thus produce more gluten. As the name suggests, this flour is made by using almonds. Pastry Flour: Containing only a bit more protein than cake flour, pastry flour is made by grinding soft wheat into a fine flour. In today’s world, the traditional wheat flour is no longer a dietary staple; today flour is made from different types of grain. It's available in a whole-wheat variety, too.