Samsung is offering free phone cleaning to Galaxy owners in 19 countries. The timing of the service is rather on point due to the recent outbreak of COVID-19 which … The service … Pour lutter contre la pandémie du Covid-19, Samsung vient de mettre en place un service baptisé Galaxy Sanitizing Service pour désinfecter les smartphones des utilisateurs. Smartphones. Samsung has launched the Galaxy Sanitizing Service in selected regions in which it is disinfecting Galaxy phones, Galaxy Watch, and Galaxy Buds for free via a sanitizing … Therefore, the notorious Samsung manufacturer offers to clean up your phone from the virus through the ‘Galaxy Sanitizing Service.’ While nobody wants to deny the tremendous importance of smartphones in our lives, the truth is that unfortunately, they can carry along many germs if we don’t disinfect them. If you’re willing to steer to at least one of its Samsung Experience and repair Centers, the corporate will clean your phone for free of charge and sanitize it using UV-C light. SamMobile reports that the service is offered at Samsung’s Service Centers for free right now. Browse Home. Samsung is even offering a free Galaxy Sanitizing Service through its official service centers and stores in dozens of countries across the globe. Samsung is … Samsung, comme le reste de l'industrie technologique, a été considérablement affecté par la pandémie de coronavirus.

A Samsung representative at Best Buy can set up a personal demonstration for your next galaxy device. Instead, Samsung’s “Galaxy Sanitizing Service” is cleaning smartphones using UV-C light. Samsung's Galaxy Sanitizing Service promises to clean your phone, Galaxy Watch, or Galaxy Buds. The program, which blog SamMobile earlier reported, is called the Galaxy Sanitizing Service. Coronavirus effect: Samsung offers UV-C sanitizing service for Galaxy devices Samsung is offering UV-C sanitizing service for Galaxy phones in the US, Malaysia and other select global regions. and Phone is the grossest thing we own. Recommandations des éditeurs Please share your ZIP Code to find a nearby Best Buy to try out your next phone.
People are now doing their best to slow the spread of the virus. Samsung recently has announced a new service called Galaxy Sanitizing Service which is available in several markets throughout the world including Malaysia. Samsung has announced the new Galaxy Sanitizing Service for customers in several countries. Samsung’s Galaxy Sanitizing Service aims to help out by trying to rid your phone of bacteria, germs, and viruses. Galaxy Z Flip; Galaxy Fold; Galaxy Note; Galaxy S; Galaxy A; Galaxy J; Services.