It typically appears to follow a tortuous course and is usually branched downward from a distinct main channel (streak, forked or ribbon lightning). This pattern of lightning activity often even preceded the occurrence of cloud-to-ground lightning strikes by several minutes--information forecasters could use to issue earlier warnings to communities and airports in a storm's path. When lightning strikes the ground or an object on the ground, the discharge occurs in and along the ground surface (not deep into the ground). Photographer: Michael Grossmann; Michael's Website Summary Author: Michael Grossmann. Most ground to cloud lightning seems to flow from the highest points of very tall objects, such as sky-scrapers, radio towers, etc. The science of ground to cloud lightning on a molecular level is fascinating. The photo above showing a classic cloud-to-ground lightning strike and a cloud-to-cloud bolt as well was taken near Pforzheim, Germany on August 22, 2010. Ground current is responsible for … Since the best fulgerites are formed in sand, it may be very hard to find a fulgerite caused by ground to cloud lightning. This creates a dangerous and potentially deadly ground current near the lightning strike.
Ground to Cloud Lightning. The stepped leader can … Thunderstorm - Thunderstorm - Cloud-to-ground lightning: A typical flash of cloud-to-ground lightning is initiated by electrical breakdown between the small positive charge region near the base of the cloud and the negative charge region in the middle of the cloud. Ground to cloud lightning and cloud to ground lightning are basically the same thing. Temperatures reached the mid 80s F (25-28°C) here by late afternoon shortly before a weather front and accompanying thunderstorm blasted through.

Lightning illuminates a funnel cloud forming during a storm near Huntsville, Alabama, in April 2006. Lightning rods and metallic conductors can be used to protect a structure by intercepting and diverting the lightning current into the ground as harmlessly as possible. A cloud-to-ground lightning strike starts as a channel of negative charges called a stepped leader makes its path towards the ground. Franklin suggested that a lightning rod protects a building by one of two methods. For a negative cloud-to-ground discharge (the most common type of lightning striking the ground), the stepped leader (the channel of ionized air) begins in the lower section of a thunderstorm cloud and propagates downward.When the tip of the stepped leader approaches the ground, one or more upward-moving leaders initiate from the ground. The reason why it is sometimes called “ground to cloud” is that the flash itself, the part you see, comes up from the ground. This type of lightning, popularly called a “thunderbolt” or “cloud-to-ground lightning” occurs between cloud and the ground.

First, the rod serves to prevent a charged cloud from releasing a bolt of lightning. Lightning is a significant weather hazard and occurs at an average rate of 50 to 100 discharges per second worldwide. Cloud-to-ground lightning strikes often contain repeated discharges down the same path in rapid succession following the first return stroke.These secondary return strokes often make a lightning strike seem to 'pulse' or 'flicker' on and off.. Cloud to Ground Lightning Share Collapse Notice: Many browsers are beginning to disable or hide the Adobe Flash plugin, in preparation for its end-of-life in December 2020. And second, the lightning rod serves to safely divert the lightning to the ground in event that the cloud does discharge its lightning via a bolt.
The stepped leader continues towards the ground in a series of steps that are each about 50 to 100 metres in length.