It is the evaporator that creates the cooling action of the refrigerator. Let's start with the mercury switch-- a glass vial with a small amount of actual mercury inside. Can you explain how it works? As the cool refrigerant gas flows through the chiller cabinet, it absorbs the heat from the food items inside the fridge. 2. Locate and access the defrost thermostat. The cooling is provided to the refrigerator section through a fan that sends cool air into this section.

How Dryer Thermostats Work. 5. Thermostats open and close an internal switch when subjected to the temperature of their environment. A Peltier cooler, heater, or thermoelectric heat pump is a solid-state active heat pump which transfers heat from one side of the device to the other, with consumption of electrical energy, depending on the direction of the current.. 4. It works with a thermostat as well that maintains the temperature. Thermoelectric cooling uses the Peltier effect to create a heat flux at the junction of two different types of materials. I know that every 10 hours (when the compressor is running all day long), the defrost cycle appears. The refrigerant, which is now in a liquid state, passes through the expansion valve and turns into a cool gas due to the sudden drop in pressure. I noticed that during the summer (I live in a VERY humid area), the defrost cycles last longer than in the winter. The temperature of the air inside the drum is regulated using different thermostats. Most things get bigger when they heat up and smaller when they cool down (water is a notable exception: it expands when it heats up and when it freezes too).Mechanical thermostats use this idea (which is called thermal expansion) to switch an electric circuit on and and off.The two most common types use bimetallic strips and gas … Get shopping advice from experts, friends and the community! Some modern refrigerator has a separate cooling system as well. How thermostats work. Now in liquid form at high pressure, the refrigerant cools down as it flows into the coils inside the freezer and the fridge. The refrigerator section needs to be properly sealed off as well for maintaining an optimal temperature inside. 3. A fan blows on the evaporator, cooling down the air as it blows past.

There are two different thermostats in your dryer, the operating thermostat(s) and the high limit ( safety ) thermostat(s). The refrigerant absorbs the heat inside the fridge, cooling down the air. I found that when connected to mains, the mains is switched on and off by a thermostat, but I don’t see how the temp control is supposed to work when working on gas. In side-by-side refrigerator-freezers, the thermostat usually is at the back of the compartment.