When selecting onions, remember that "long day" type onions, which need 13-16 hours of daylight, do best in the Northern zones; "short day" types do best in the Southern zones and thrive in regions with a mild winter climate. Growing Onions from Seed and Sets Sow seed indoors or for easier quicker harvests use onion sets or onion plants. ( Long-day onion sets ) These onion sets produce a medium-sized onion 2 to 3" in diameter.
For each leaf, there will be a ring of onion. Red onion 'Electric' sets. Great onion sets for planting in you home vegetable garden. Image courtesy of D.T. When To Plant Fall Onions. Fall onion sets ship weekly from early October to early November. Growing from onion sets saves time—40 to 60 days depending on variety; this is an important consideration if you live in a short-growing season region. White Ebenezer Onion Set 1/2 lb. Brown Seeds. Here in the Ohio, we usually plant our fall onion sets during the middle portion of September. The larger the leaf, the larger the ring will be when the carbohydrates from the leaves are transferred to the rings of the bulb. Bulbs have a flat shape and a nice strong onion flavor with a clear, thick skin and a solid flesh. Two of my personal favourites are ‘Electric’, a beautiful red onion with an almost pink-tinged flesh, and ‘Senshyu Yellow’, a Japanese type with a slightly flattened profile. Onion Sets Red,Yellow,White or Mix (40-60 bulbs) Pick color, Garden Vegetable(Red) 3.7 out of 5 stars 6.
If you wish to choose a ship date earlier than the recommended dates you must place your order by … Onion sets are small, dry immature onion bulbs grown the season before. The size of the onion bulb is dependent upon the number and size of the green leaves or tops at the time of bulbing. Onions are the tastiest of vegetables and very easy to grow. That gives plenty of time for growth before winter. Great onion for storage and cooking.
Our onion plants are easy to grow — just separate and transplant out. Add item to cart and enter your shipping zip code to select from a list of available ship dates for your plant hardiness zone. Selecting Onion Plant Varieties. Plants arrive as dormant starts — expect them to be dry and/or pale in color due to dormancy and shipping. V ery healthy and easy to grow! Onion Seeds and Sets. Growing from both sets and seed in long-season regions allows for two harvests; one early in summer and the second in late summer and fall. Not all onions are suitable for fall planting, either, so be guided by the variety’s description. Walla Walla Sweet Spanish Onion Seeds, 300+ Premium Heirloom Seeds, 1 Selling Onion, (Isla's Garden Seeds), Non GMO, Highest Quality Seed, 90% Germination Rates, 100% Pure. They are very hardy and will thrive if cared for properly. Many gardeners also like onion sets for their ease of planting and quick results. A fall-planted crop of onions needs at least 4 to 6 weeks of warm temperatures to become established in the ground.