This grammar lesson offers an explanation on the correct use of hyphens and gives examples of hyphens used in sentences. Let’s start with compound modifiers. Well-being. A compound modifier is made up of two words that work together to function like one adjective.

Rather, different style manuals and dictionaries prescribe different guidelines for its use.


• I knew I wasn't well prepared—I hadn't even studied—but I wasn't expecting to fail the test. The main function of hyphens is to separate words into parts, or to combine separate words into a single word to clarify meanings. It is shorter than an en dash (–) or an em dash (—). b) He decided to hold-up the bank. Rules and Examples There are many rules associated with using hyphens. But hyphens often confuse matters. A hyphen joins two or more words together while a dash separates words into parenthetical statements.

; 3. 1. a) 'Hands up!! The hyphen is the shortest of the three horizontal marks that may be used in the middle of a sentence. Therefore, most prefixes do not require a hyphen. This is a university-wide policy. Use a hyphen when spelling out fractions. Differentiated worksheet. 3. Examples: a little-used car (The hyphen is used to mean a car that is not used often.) ; 2. The medium ability need to also state the usage and the higher ability worksheet involves creating their own sentences. Unfortunately, a definitive collection of hyphenation rules does not exist.

c) Could you hold-up the picture for me. Hyphens Generally, hyphens are used to join two words or parts of words together while avoiding confusion or Two-word adjectives. Hyphen examples: Flip-flops, old-fashioned, African-American, fifty-five Dash examples: • I knew the perfect person for the job—Mr.

Examples: vice-president; attorney-general; secretary-general; Using hyphens with prefixes As I said above, the current trend in writing English is to get rid of unnecessary hyphens. • Sarah said, "Bob, I've been meaning to tell you—" when suddenly a loud noise interrupted her. Decide which of these sentences uses the hyphen correctly. Hold up is a noun and needs a hyphen. Run-on Sentences Exercise. Using hyphens to connect words is easy. Despite its decreased use, the hyphen remains a norm in compound-modifier structures with some prefixes. Can be used with a Year 5/6 class. d) We were stuck in the huge hold-up on the M5. This page offers an explanation on the correct use of hyphens and gives examples of hyphens used in sentences. However, there are certain instances where the need for a hyphen is obvious.

Hyphens serve to remove ambiguities from sentences.

flowerpot, lipstick). Dashes and hyphens, though they appear almost the same on the page, are not interchangeable. Exercise using the hyphen. Straying Off The Point Exercise. Hyphens In compound words. 1. Picking the right words to connect is a little harder.

Can be adapted. 1.


The hyphens are used only to show the root, suffix, and grammatical termination of the examples. They can also join prefixes to words (e.g., ultra-expensive, re-establish).

Use a hyphen to avoid confusion in meaning. Page 40, hyphens were added to "S-i-m-m-o-n-d-s" to keep the spaces between letters. For example, compound words may be written as separate words ( post box ), hyphenated ( post-box ) or written as one word ( postbox ). Pleonasm Exercise. This is a hold-up.' The lower ability focuses on just adding the dashes or hyphens. 20. Below are nine sentences that need hyphens for clarity. The hyphens are given to show the construction of the words, but should not be used in writing. Learn how and when to use a hyphen (-) with useful punctuation rules and example sentences. Quick Guidelines for Using Hyphens "The use of hyphens in compounds and complex words involves a number of different rules, and practice is changing, with fewer hyphens present in contemporary usage.