If the soil dries out too much, the tips of the leaves will present with brown tips and spots. It sounds like you have a D. fragrans (not the massangeana) or a Janet Craig. Barbara says. Striped Dracaena (Dracaena fragrans 'Warneckii… Name: Dracaena deremensis ‘Warneckii’ Dracaena Warneckii is also called Striped dracaena,... Dracaena Rikki. The very popular Dracaena fragrans ‘Massangeana’ is more commonly known as the Corn... Dracaena Warneckii. Thanks for sharing, Nell. "Lemon-Lime" dracaena (Dracaena deremensis “Lemon-Lime”) produces 2-foot-long, … Mass cane is characterized by its thick, woody canes and long strap-like leaves. The corn plant (Dracaena fragrans) is an oldie but goodie in the houseplant industry.Europeans have been using these tropical African evergreens as indoor plants since the mid-1800s, and they’ve been popular in the United States since the early 20th century.

These can include fusarium leaf spot and soft rot. Stems may reach up to 30 cm (12 in) diameter on old plants; in forest … How to Prune Dracaena.

Name: Dracaena ‘Rikki’ Dracaena Rikki is a relatively new Dracaena for interior use. I wanted it to remain on the smaller side so a good ole snip snip was in order.

How to fix it: A good system for determining when to water is to scratch into the soil about 1 inch down. If your dracaena plant issues show up as reddish or tan spots with yellow halos, the plant may have fusarium leaf spot, a fungus issue. Not that the photos collected here so far might contain the necessary visual info, but what feature could one observe to distinguish the two? The botanical name of this hardy dracaena is Dracaena fragrans “Massangeana”. Dracaena Massangeana Dracaena fragrans massangeana or Dracaena massangeana is commonly referred to as mass cane or corn plant, and is widely used indoors. It is inexpensive compared to other houseplants, and the least expensive of the dracaena varieties.

08/03/2017 at 1:32 pm.

Its foliage is narrower than “Janet Craig” and comes to a sharper point, with distinctive white stripes running lengthwise in the leafs center. Those growing dracaena plants outdoors will have to face more serious dracaena problems. It doesn’t normally flower indoors. Name: Dracaena deremensis ‘Warneckii’ Dracaena Warneckii is also called Striped dracaena, this plant has some similarity to “Janet Craig” as it is a medium sized shrub. Corn plants grow from one or more thick canes (stems) that produce long, narrow leaves (like those of corn) toward the top. How to Take Care of an Indoor Dracaena Lemon-Lime Plant. In the middle of each leaf there is a broad yellow stripe (sometimes it can be creamy). If you notice brown tips and spots on your dracaena, the problem is probably due to inconsistent watering. Leaf blight may also occur on these plants but is less common. It is a tree-like plant with sword-shaped leaves which is native to tropical Africa: Sudan, Mozambique, Côte d'Ivoire and Angola. If it’s dry, then it’s time to water. There are over 40 types of dracaena species, and you can easily prune all of them with a pair of garden shears and a few snips!

Dracaena fragrans is a slow growing shrub, usually multistemmed at the base, mature specimens reaching 15 m (49 ft) or more tall with a narrow crown of usually slender erect branches. Long story short, this Dracaena had gotten very leggy over the years and was much more stem that foliage.