But the words spoken by Eileen Ansel Wolpe highlight the death-like impacts of marital dissolution, suggesting (to me) that divorce in many cases ought to be considered the "exit" of last resort -- neither dismissed nor taken lightly. A great divorce blog, Divorced at 50, describes some of the weird expectations post-divorce: Divorces are looked upon as messes and failures. Perhaps divorce generally isn't worse than losing a spouse, though both leave us in turmoil, and facing practical adjustments of indefinite duration. This article discusses the apparent gap between the constitutional provisions on the spousal right to joint property comparing where there is a divorce to where there is the death of a spouse to the effect of a disposition of property either by will or no will. However, denial can become a problem if it goes on for too long … Although article 22(3) of the 1992 Constitution prescribes that all spouses must have access to property jointly acquired during marriage and are entitled to an equitable distribution of assets jointly acquired, the famous Supreme Court case of Mensah v Mensah(1998) … Often there is an immediate period of shock and denial, which is a normal defense mechanism when the magnitude of loss and overwhelming emotions are too much for you to process all at once. According to the Hindu Divorce Laws in India, if one spouse has a reasonable apprehension in the mind that the other spouse’s conduct is likely to be injurious or harmful, then there is sufficient ground for obtaining divorce due to cruelty by the spouse. In the media divorces are often the butt of jokes. The death of a spouse and divorce from a spouse both involve grieving. I’m certain I am oversimplifying, and it isn’t my intention.

The expectations are completely different of a spouse going through a divorce compared to a spouse dealing with a death.

The divorce court first determines what is community or separate property/debts, whether alimony is … In the former we may grieve the lost loved one, ourselves as partner, our identity within the institution of marriage.
Adultery . In the case of divorce, I nonetheless believe we grieve differently, or perhaps our grieving takes a different turn and … 0. … The Personal Representative (Executor) of the spouse’s estate gets substituted into the divorce proceedings. As I said, I have not experienced it.

These women suffered the loss of a spouse and marriage, but society’s attitude toward a woman who loses everything due to divorce is far different from a woman who loses a spouse to death. In separation or divorce, death of a spouse can have ramifications on how the estate is divided and whether prior agreements will be honored. Further, the article will make recommendations to the Property Rights of SpousesBill yet to be legislated into law.

Just as a woman who loses a husband to death, my clients had no control over the loss of their husbands and the lives they had built as a couple.

And what I discovered, with some shock and bewilderment, is that you are expected to get over … In India, a man that commits adultery (i.e. By Justice Dzido On Jun 17, 2019.

Spousal rights to property: Comparing divorce to death of a spouse.
Death & Divorce Let Our Albuquerque Divorce Attorneys Guide You Through.

Separation and Divorce: Death and Its Implications.

If one spouse dies while the divorce case is pending, then the divorce still proceeds under New Mexico law. has consensual sexual intercourse outside of marriage) can be charged with a criminal offence. Share.


Whether divorce or death comes as a surprise or with ample warning, it can be very surreal and difficult to accept when your spouse is suddenly gone.