With our online application CalcMonster, you can do cubic foot measurements as many as you want anytime. You can be relieved. Calculate Fill Dirt Type in inches and feet of your project and calculate the estimated amount of Soil & Dirt in cubic yards, cubic feet and Tons, that your need for your project. There is a direct relationship between the volume of a room (measured in cubic feet) and the tonnage size of an air conditioner unit that should be used with that room. #2. The cuboid has dimensions 10 feet in length and 6 feet in width. Calculate the cubic capacity working with a known price per unit volume For our first example, let’s imagine we want to purchase some material in the shape of a cuboid. Calculate the volume of a rectangular box or tank using our free volume of a box calculator. The Density of Fill Dirt: 2,410 lb/yd³ or 1.21 t/yd³ or 0.8 yd³/t Calculating the volume of a hole is often necessary when determining the amount of material needed to fill it or planning a well. Volume is the measurement of the amount of space in an object, and is calculated in cubic units, such as cubic feet or cubic centimeters. Finding the cubic feet of a room is as simple as multiplying its length, width and height. Since we live in a technological era and everybody has now a smart-phone or a tablet, it’s a lot easier to use an application which will measure very quick the cubic footage of any kind of three-dimensional spaces. The Calculator Site. This calculator allows you to calculate volume in cubic feet.

Cubic Meter Calculator … Cubic Footage Calculator.

It is difficult to move from square feet to cubic yards, so, now that we have the cubic feet, multiply it by the conversion ratio 1 / 27: 2666 2 / 3 ft³ * 1 / 27 = 98.77 yd³. Can be used to calculate shipping dimensions in cubic meters or cubic feet. Use this length x width x height calculator to determine the …

Inch Calculator.

cubic yard (cu yd) – 0.764554857984 m³; cubic metre (cu m) – 1 m³; cubic kilometre (cu km) – 1 x 10 +9 m³; cubic mile (cu mi) – 4168181825.440579584 m³; cubic nautical mile (cu nmi) – 6352182208 m³; Applications. You don’t have to … Box volume calculator online that works in many different metrics: mm, cm, meters, km, inches, feet, yards, miles.

Calculate cubic feet and more with the inch calculator.

CMB Calculator. Use this to calculate the space or capacity of an object using width, length, and height measurements.

#3. Convert inches into feet, 20 in * 1 / 12 = 1 2 / 3 ft, and multiply this by the square footage to move from square feet to cubic feet, 1600 ft² * 1 2 / 3 ft = 2666 2 / 3 ft³.