Milk is usually best when bought from a local milk dairy. One espresso is approximately 7 grams of ground coffee. Coffee for coffee shops should be bought in wholebeans and these usually come in 1 kg bags. According to Chris, it’s essential that your shop offers variety – but not so much that you end up sacrificing quality. Let's say that we pay £12 for our bag of coffee. Operating income for a coffee shop can average 2.5% of net sales. Majority of coffee shop owners offer franchises as a means of growing their business. Average Margin Gross profit margin for a coffee shop is around 85 percent, according to the 2012 Coffee Research Report. This makes the cost of one espresso £12 / 145 = 8 pence. The average coffee shop will have slightly lower margins as their bulk pricing is not likely comparable to Starbucks. 7. This means that we can brew 145 espressos with one bag of coffee. 5. The average coffee shop worker can generate $50,000 in annual revenue. According to many of the reports I've read -- like this one -- the average net profit of a coffee shop, excluding the owner's salary, is about 2.5 percent of sales. The gross margin for a coffee shop is 85%. That said, even at 50 to 75 cents per cup, the margins remain excellent. No matter how efficiently your coffee shop runs, you will still fail if you don’t have a sufficient profit margin per item or a menu that draws in customers. Total Startup costs: $20,000 – $40,000 9. 8. 6.