About spinach, spinach beet and chard. They stand well through frosty weather and can be harvested throughout the winter months. With this method, you will sow the spinach seeds in your garden 4 weeks before the first hard frost. The first way is to start your young spinach plants in the fall so they will overwinter and begin growing again in the spring. Soil . Let the spinach plant mature to at least 2-3 inches before cold and frost comes. When growing spinach in containers, select a high-quality potting mix made for indoor plants. Prepared and cooked properly, it is a tasty, versatile crop that can even be used in salads. Amazon gardening has loads of suggestions for all sorts of vegetables, seeds and plants that will grow in a cold greenhouse or poly-tunnel through the winter. There are 2 ways you can grow spinach in the winter and both are very easy to do. My spinach has continued to grow over the winter but I was wondering if I should scrap last years plants and buy new or is there something I can do to keep what I have. Arctic King is one variety. Sow hardy winter vegetables such as sprouting broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale, winter cabbage and leeks in late spring or early summer as they take several months to reach maturity.
Some cultivars can be overwintered for an early spring harvest. You do not have to cover the plant even in zone 3 (temperature drops to -40), but you can add a layer of mulch if you haven’t yet. Seeding Spinach In The Fall For Early Spring Growth. Let the spinach plant regrow in spring.
Some gardeners only use grow lights during the winter months, while others prefer to use them for indoor gardens year-round. Spinach can be grown to produce a crop all year round, making it a useful vegetable to grow when other greens might be in short supply. When to sow vegetables for winter harvests. Spring and summer. Let the spinach plant die back in the winter without disturbing the plant (just leave it alone). Click on any of the links on the right hand side below.
You can build your own grow light shelving system, or purchase a pre-made set. Thanks" Kimberley Pick on Friday 19 January 2018 "Exposure to cold, short days primes spinach plants for early bolting as the days lengthen in spring. Chard is mainly sown in the spring for picking over the summer, although by protecting the crop with a cloche, leaves can be harvested during autumn and winter. Winter cultivars need a sunny position, but summer types benefit from a little shade. If you like salads there are at least a couple of winter hardy lettuce that will grow in a cold greenhouse or poly-tunnel through the winter.