edited 4 years ago. Selling second hand or mitumba clothes. Doula is certainly the best business to start with 10k.

It doesn’t matter whether you have a degree or didn’t see the door of a class room, anyone can engage in mitumba business. Everyone is quick to jump at 5K being not enough money to do anything. FOOD CATERING BUSINESS.

If you mastered the trick of cooking then you can commence your own food catering enterprise to share the aroma among foodies all over. DOULA. The problem is, they might not always have time to run it through the car wash or wash it themselves. There are different types of pillows ranging from sofa pillows, throw pillows, and bed pillows. With a crew comprising of two or three people, you can make as much as $70 per hour. 1. A pillow cushion from Gikomba goes for around 70 to 150. Unlike other businesses that require you to invest a lot of capital to start operating, you can start selling second hand clothes for as little as 1K. For example, I purchase certain items on Alibaba and sell them on Ebay for about a 200-300% markup.

Auto Detailing; Car owners love having a clean car. The majority of businesses, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations use social media in some capacity to reach their audiences, but not everyone wants to be hands-on. Pregnant women at times need assertive non-therapeutic plans and sanguine diagnosis which is not aided by medical advocacy. You will also find a fundi who can make them for you at a lower price. Here are 25 businesses you can start for $5,000 or less. If you want to help out all those car owners and build a loyal client base, auto detailing is a sought-after service. Businesses You Can Start With Less Than 5K In Kenya . Business to start with 5k in Kenya Make and Sell Pillows. All you need to do is to get all the required material. This is a great business because it can be done part-time and it requires little cash investment. Social Media Manager . If you enjoy the decorating process, you may find that you can start a business holiday decorating for families or small businesses in your community. To start this business, you will need to be friendly, have a driver’s license and also a means to get a third-party liability insurance.

The easiest, fastest and best business to start is one where you sell high priced products and services and solve big problems. The most profitable business I would start with $5,000 would be an e-commerce company. Okay, here's the story.