Customer Service Operating Hours. No matter what, no matter when: Service is our quality.

Claims arising from or in connection with this warranty must be filed in writing within the applicable warranty period. In the period following the purchase of your appliance, you can benefit from Bosch's additional warranty offer.

The Bosch Home Appliances Service is reliable, competent, straighforward and fast for warranty, service and repair. The bosch Appliance Service Plan is a protection plan used to cover the cost of parts and labor should an unexpected operational or mechanical breakdown occur with your appliance after the manufacturer's factory warranty has expired. The Bosch Additional Warranty Coverage.

Bosch gives you a two-year guarantee on privately used tools and chargable batteries. Bosch gives you a two-year guarantee on privately used tools. They do not offer home improvement or home maintenance services, apart from appliance repair. Monday - Thursday, 8am - 6pm EST Friday, 8am - 5pm EST Residential Tel: 800-283-3787 Commercial Tel: 800-326-1400 Fax: 603-965-7568 Tech Support Fax: 603-965-7581 Customer Support E-mail Addresses Find your E-number and FD-number Additional Warranty Coverage We are sure you like to enjoy Bosch home appliances for many years to come. … With the additional warranty, your Bosch home appliances will be repaired free of charge even after 2 years manufacturer’s warranty – for additional 1 to 4 years. Keep that spirit alive with the Bosch Appliance Service Plan, which provides coverage after the initial product warranty expires. Simple. Serial number starts with: 2940-* All other: i.e. DIY Customer Service If you need help purchasing products, have warranty questions, or any other non-technical issues please contact our Customer Service team. In order to extend your warranty, we need the E-Number (full model number) and the FD-number (production code) of your Bosch appliance. To learn more, simply register your appliance to receive a customized offer letter by mail for the Bosch Appliance Service Plan. On our service platform, MyBosch you can extend the guarantee on your newly purchased Bosch DIY power tool, garden tool or measuring tool to three years at no extra charge. The Bosch Additional Warranty Coverage.

Precise performance and modern design were top of mind when you purchased Bosch. Apart from their standard 24 month warranty, Bosch also offers the option of extended warranties for your major home appliances that range from 1 to 2 additional years of protection. Important Cookie Information This website uses cookies for … Replaced batteries or chargers shall become the property of Bosch. Limited warranty for racks (does not include rack components); parts only (2nd to 5th year).