1. Bends can be dressed and tightened, or widened, by hammering them over the appropriately shaped part of the anvil. Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900, More. 3. Suggest an example. Suggest an example.

How to use abyss in a sentence. Baby Anvil (babyanvil)'s profile on Myspace, the place where people come to connect, discover, and share. Learn more. Results: 114. Forge definition, to form by heating and hammering; beat into shape. Excellent or exceptionally good: an outstanding essay that received an A+. furnish definition: 1. to put furniture in something: 2. to put furniture in something: 3. to put furniture in a…. Exact: 114. Did you forget to pack the baby's anvil? Display more examples. They get their anvil shape from the fact that the rising air in thunderstorms expands and spreads out as the air bumps up against the bottom of the stratosphere. Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200, More.

Anvil clouds, which are mostly composed of ice particles, form in the upper parts of thunderstorms. ing (out-stăn′dĭng, out′stăn′-) adj. See more. Some metals are "hot short", meaning they lose their tensile strength when heated. Noticeable or conspicuous: "Thiamine deficiency alone generally produces peripheral neuritis and numbness as its most outstanding features" (Vernon H. Mark). Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200, More. They become like Plasticine: although they may still be manipulated by squeezing, an attempt to stretch them, even by bending or twisting, is likely to have them crack and break apart. Elapsed time: 83 ms. ... No results found for this meaning. Advertising. 2. 50+ videos Play all Mix - baby yoda being adorable for 2 minutes straight YouTube baby yoda being adorable for 3 more minutes straight - Duration: 3:01. spellbooked 924,874 views Abyss definition is - an immeasurably deep gulf or great space. Mineral and metal baby boy names are hard-edged choices that impart a new brand of masculinity.