Appliances are often electrical. ‘electrical and gas appliances’. Word forms: plural appliances 1. countable noun An appliance is a device or machine in your home that you use to do a job such as cleaning or cooking. Definition of appliance. Appliances Meaning in Urdu - In the age of digital communication, it is better for any person to learn and understand multiple languages for the better communication. a piece of equipment, usually operated electrically, especially for use in the home or for performance of domestic chores, as … Household Appliances Names with Pictures and Examples Coffee maker – Clarissa ran out and bought a large electric coffee maker for $ 40 before the dinner. Blender – Pour over dry ingredients, cover and whirl in blender for about 1 minute. You may also find the meaning of Word Appliances in English to Urdu, Arabic, Spanish, French, German, Hindi and other languages. noun an instrument, apparatus, or device for a particular purpose or use. 1. A dental or surgical device designed to perform a therapeutic or corrective function. kitchen appliance synonyms, kitchen appliance pronunciation, kitchen appliance translation, English dictionary definition of kitchen appliance. Home appliances can be classified into: Major appliances; Small appliances; Consumer electronics; See also. eurlex . Mixer – Beat eggs and sugar with an electric mixer. A home appliance is a device which accomplishes household functions, such as cooking or cleaning. appliances ~ meaning » DictZone English-Hungarian dictionary. n. 1. Learn these household appliances names to increase your English vocabulary words.

However, a person feels better to communicate if he/she has a sufficient vocabulary. Define kitchen appliance. noun. b : an instrument or device designed for a particular … 1 A device or piece of equipment designed to perform a specific task, typically a domestic one. ‘In its simplest form, it is a data delivery appliance designed specifically for performance, low cost of ownership, and reliability.’. Get translation of the word Appliances in Urdu and Roman Urdu. Appliances meaning in Urdu has been searched 110 ( one hundred ten ) times till today 29/05/2020. life-saving appliances. life-saving appliances in English translation and definition "life-saving appliances", Dictionary English-English online.

A device or instrument designed to perform a specific function, especially an electrical device, such as a toaster, for household use: a store that sells the newest kitchen appliances. More example sentences. 1 : an act of applying. ‘All projects used a major wood heating appliance with integrated domestic water heating.’. 2. Learn how to speak Appliances Word in Urdu and English. 2 a : a piece of equipment for adapting a tool or machine to a special purpose : attachment. ‘electrical and gas appliances’ More example sentences ‘In its simplest form, it is a data delivery appliance designed specifically for performance, low cost of ownership, and reliability.’ This is a list of home appliances. In the modern world, there is a dire need of people who can communicate in different languages. Example sentences with "life-saving appliances", translation memory. Appliances synonyms, Appliances pronunciation, Appliances translation, English dictionary definition of Appliances. appliances ~ in Hungarian. Translations in context of "appliances" in English-Romanian from Reverso Context: household appliances, parts and appliances, electrical appliances, domestic appliances, home appliances