Flores generalmente globosas en una umbela en un tallo sin hojas, tienen larga vida en agua después de cortadas. $4.90 $ 4. Allium is a superb flower, famous for its surprising ornamental floral scapes.. Key Allium flower facts. 19 $1.69 $1.69. 100 Seeds Giant Onion Seeds Allium Giganteum Flower Seed Flower plant 1#32790278104ST. Blooming in late spring to early summer, this Giant Allium enjoys long-lasting blooms and remains ornamental in the garden well into summer. RWind Giant Allium Giganteum Onion Flower Bulbs, Dreamlike Pink Flower for Garden Spring Plant Decoration(6 Pack) (Purple) $18.59 $ 18. Perhaps the tallest of the ornamental onions, Allium giganteum is a striking and bold addition to the garden with its star-shaped, tiny lilac-purple flowers forming a 5-6 in. Estrictamente hablando, el allium es un género de plantas bulbosas con flores que incluye varios tipos de cebollas y ajos, pero cuando lo mencionamos en ambientes de jardinería, dicho término usualmente se refiere a miembros no comestibles de este género. 3.2 out of 5 stars 4.
Allium Giganteum (Pack of 3 Bulbs) Alliums from the Gold Medal winning Harts Nursery. Allium: son plantas herbáceas perennes, cuyo órgano de reserva es un bulbo, pertenece a la familia de las Liliaceae (Lialiáceas), con hojas basales de color verde o azulado, que se suelen perder al comienzo de la floración.

Allium Giganteum is one of the tallest varieties of alliums of it to 1.5m tall, with its spectacular ball-shaped blooms made up of masses of tiny bright Purple flowers that will reach 20cm in diameter. Allium bulbs are very easy to grow and compliment the modern cottage garden wonderfully, a modern day must have flower for any top garden designer. $1.50 shipping.

wide (12-15 cm) globe-shaped cluster. Giant Flowering Onion Allium Giganteum 2 Bulbs Outdoor Plants for Home Garden Bonsai Purple Plant Flores. Flowering – May to July. They are versatile enough to be able to be grown in borders, flower beds, patio pots and containers, where they really will pack a punch. Name – Allium giganteum Family – Liliaceae (lily family) Type – perennial.

90 $7.99 $7.99. $1.19 $ 1. LEANO Garden - 100Pcs Allium Giganteum Flower Seeds Bonsai Plant DIY Vegetable Garden Flowers. FREE Shipping. 59. Allium . Height – 8 to 40 inches (20 to 100 cm) Exposure – full sun Soil – ordinary.

Giant Allium (Allium giganteum) is the tallest of the large flowering allium with 4"-6" diameter, ball-shaped flowers.The Giant Allium adds a wonderful element to a garden and will even catch the eye of the non-gardeners! These huge flowers blossom the size of softballs with a gorgeous purple color and sway atop sturdy stems in late spring.