With a flexible edge and 360 degree coverage, the double sided Scraper Beater expertly scrapes the bowl and ensures thorough mixing. Region. Breville BEM800XL The Scraper Mixer Pro: 12 speed electronic control – adjust the speed control to the action you want to perform (aerating, beating, light mixing…) for the best speed to match your recipe. The designers at Breville are determined to make the baking just as enjoyable as the baked goods: no more scraping sticky bowls, no more splattering ingredients when you add them to the bowl, no more guessing how much more time you need to mix.

360° bowl coverage is achieved by the counter-clockwise motion of the mixer head combined with the clockwise &a Search Close. By replicating the mixing action used by patisseries and bakeries, the Scraper Mixer ProTM uses 'planetary mixing' for a superior end result. It's built for baking.

A pouring shield protects from splatter. Skip to main content. Planetary mixing action. closePromoBtnLabel. While this feature is welcomed as it works well, it does not mitigate the mixer's overall want for power. Pouring Shield minimizes spattering when mixing and adding ingredients. Breville Scraper Mixer Pro. UK. Products Parts & Accessories Support Sign up for newsletter 0808 178 1650. Search. The Scraper Mixer Pro replicates the same planetary mixing action with a counter-clockwise mixing head and anti-clockwise 5-quart stainless steel bowl with handles.

the Scraper Mixer Pro. The Breville Scraper Mixer Pro stand mixer helps make your baking stress-free. Designed by bakers, for bakers. Scraper Beater's flexible edge scrapes the sides & bottom of the Stainless Steel bowl clean. This intelligent machine gives you the ultimate combination of power and speed for every mixing job—from whipping up an airy meringue to kneading a whole-grain bread dough.

Language. Die-cast metal housing keeps the mixer stable, more secure and easier to clean and maintain. The Breville Scraper Mixer Pro offers users the standard attachments of dough hook, flat beater, and whisk, but also throws in its namesake scraper beater. Breville's Beater IQ and intuitive sensor continually adjust perform… This machine can manage most of the tasks we tested. Region and Language. Call. With a singular focus on mixing essentials, the Scraper Mixer Pro draws a straight line from your imagination to your taste buds. The competition sells this attachment aftermarket.