With all this, you must be clear about the benefits of sunflower seeds for hair. 1. Prevents Hair Loss. It also helps in preventing the thinning of the hair, with the presence of vitamins in sunflower seeds, it will make your hair thick and prevent the hair loss. The omega 6 fatty acids in it prevent hair thinning. Sunflower seeds also exhibit anti-hypertensive effects. Stimulates Hair Growth. Basically, the benefits of sunflower seeds are considered to be on big extent for hair. 3. Sunflower seeds may help in controlling your blood cholesterol levels. These seeds contain specific proteins, vitamin E, and phytochemicals like helianthin that scavenge free radicals in your blood. Offers Dandruff-free Hair. Sunflower Seeds Benefits for Hair. Low cholesterol level means a low risk of atherosclerosis and other heart diseases. Sunflower seed oil is known to be a natural hair moisturizer. According to popular research , adding sunflower seeds in your daily diet can give you healthy and dandruff-free ... 2.