His father was the Titan Cronus, who at the time was ruler of the Universe, and his mother was Rhea. Homeric Hymn 22 to Poseidon (trans.
KYS Poseidon, the Sea God, (also known as Neptune)has power over all water (fresh or salt). Such stories serve as a doorway to enter the world of the Ancient Greeks and Romans. However, in some folklore stories it is believed that Poseidon, like Zeus, was not swallowed by Cronus because his mother Rhea who concealed him among a flock of lambs and pretended to have given birth to a colt, which was devoured by Cronus instead. Olympians say that he is bad-tempered, moody, and greedy. The dolphin king obeyed and started a long, perilous journey to find the love of his master. Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C7th or 6th B.C.) Stories of Poseidon projected the illusion of control onto the one domain that the Greeks could never fully master—the sea. This plays out in the story of the Odyssey where Poseidon tries to thwart Odysseus while Athena tries to help him on his journey. The name “Poseidon” had roots in two distinct words. : "I begin to sing about Poseidon, the great god, mover of the earth and fruitless sea, god of the deep who is also lord of Helikon (Helicon) and …
However, Poseidon was determined. Poseidon-Neptune and Hippocamps, Greco-Roman mosaic C3rd A.D., Sousse Archaeological Museum CLASSICAL LITERATURE QUOTES HYMNS TO POSEIDON I) THE HOMERIC HYMNS. So he sent his messenger Delphinus, the king of the dolphins, to locate the mermaid and win her heart. The Story of Poseidon (Roman - Neptune) Poseidon was the ruler of the sea, and a powerful god in Greek mythology who was often called the "Earth-shaker." The first of these was the Greek word posis, itself derived from the Proto Indo-European root pótis. Some of his children were monsters like the sea creature Charybdis and the Cyclops Polyphemus (both of whom tried to kill Odysseus). The story of Poseidon, God of the Sea is one of the fantastic stories featured in ancient mythology and legends. So she refused Poseidon's proposal, telling him that she disliked his violent nature, and then flew to the Atlas Mountains to escape. Poseidon appeared on coinage, perhaps most strikingly the silver tetradrachms of ancient Macedon (306-283 BCE) where he seems about to hurl his trident. Interesting Children Poseidon had a number of interesting children with both human women and goddesses. The names of so many of the heroes and characters are known today through movies and games but the actual story about such characters are unknown. Etymology.